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Main menu and toolbar options

Accountants Enterprise only

You will be familiar with the options available on the main menu and the toolbar as they are similar to any Microsoft program.

Some main menu and toolbar options enable you to customise a practice template to best suit the requirements of your practice, e.g., the addition of a company logo to a template using Insert > Image.





Select File > Save to save the practice template after editing.

Or click the Save button on the toolbar to save the practice template.

When you save an edited practice template, the version number is incremented so that the original practice template is never replaced.

Page Setup

This option enables you to set up the margins and paper, headers and footers and columns of your template.


Select this option to open the Print window from where you can select the appropriate printer to print your template.


Select File > Exit to exit the Designer.



Copy and remove the selected text or field from the template. This text or field can then be pasted somewhere else in the template.


Make a copy of the selected text or field that can then be pasted somewhere else in the template.


Insert the copied text or field at a specific location.


Remove the selected text or field from the template.

Select All

Selects all of the content in the template body.


Headers and Footers

Select View > Headers and Footers to view and edit the headers and footers of the template.

Double click in the body of the template to move the focus from the headers and footers to the template body.



Select Insert > Field to open the Insert Field window and insert a selected field into the template.

Or click Insert Field on the toolbar to open the Insert Field window.


Select Insert > Image to open the Open window which allows you to browse for an image to include in the template, e.g. company logo. Click Open.


Bullets and Numbering

  • Select FormatBullets and Numbering > Attributes to open the Bullets and Numbering window.
    Select the appropriate bullet and numbering options available in this window to suit your template. Click OK.

  • Select Format > Bullets and Numbering > Increase Level to further indent selected bulleted or numbered text.

  • Select FormatBullets and Numbering > Decrease Level to reduce the indent of the selected bulleted or numbered text.


Select Format > Character to open the Font window where you can select a different font style, font size and other character attributes for selected text of the template. Click OK.


Select Format > Columns to open the Page Setup window on the Columns tab where you can configure page columns for the whole document. Click OK.

It is advisable not to insert page columns in an existing template. Use this option on a blank template document.

Headers and Footers

Select Format > Headers and Footers to open the Page Setup window. Here you can select how the headers and footers are displayed on the page and their placement within the template. Click OK.


Select Format > Image to open the Image Attributes window. You can change the layout, position, size, distance and saving options of a selected image that was inserted into the template. Click OK.


Select Format > Paragraph to open the Paragraph window where you can change the format, indents, frame and page breaks of selected text within a template. Click OK.


Select Format > Styles to open the Styles window. From this window you can select an existing format style to apply to highlighted text. You can create a New format style using the New Style window which can then be reused. You can also modify or delete an existing style.


Select Format > Table to open the Table Properties window. You are able to change the frame, colour, background, margins, cell size and formatting of a selected table. Click OK.


Select Format > Tabs to open the Tabs window. From this window you can change existing tab stop positions and alignments. You can also set new tab stop positions in the template. Click OK.

Text Background Colour

Select Format > Text Background Colour to open the Color palette. Apply a background colour to selected text. Click OK.

Text Colour

Select Format > Text Colour to open the Color palette. Apply colour to selected text. Click OK.



Select TableInsert > Table to insert a text display table into the template. See Inserting a text display table.


Select TableDelete > Table/Column/Row to delete a selected table (data entry or text display), column or row from the template.



Select Help to access online help for the Designer.





To save the template.

Insert Field

To insert a field into the practice template.

See Customising practice templates.

Delete Field

To delete a field from the practice template.

See Deleting fields.

Field Properties

To view and edit field properties. You can also double-click on a field to open its properties window.

See Viewing and editing field properties.







Switch between header footer

Switch between header and footer.

Go to normal header

Go to the normal header.

Go to first page header

Go to the first page header.

Remove header footer

Remove the header and footer.

Font type

Font type

Click the drop-down arrow to select a different font type from the available list.

Font size

Font size

Click the drop-down arrow to select a different font size from the available list.


Bold text


Italicise text


Underline text

Left justify

Left justify text

Centre text

Centre text

Right justify

Right justify text


Bullet points

Version info

Version information

Click the icon to find the version number of the template. The version information is displayed as Year.Version.Revision, e.g., 2012.1.13.

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