Move your data to Assets
What data is migrated?
General assets (i.e. non-pooled assets)
Small business and low value pooled assets
Taxation and accounting data
AO GL: Assets linked to an unidentified pool
NZ AMS: Location, serial number, units, premium due date and insured value are supported for migration.
AE Assets: Association types - only location is supported for migration however, other association types such as Asset type, Cost centre and Supplier data will be migrated to the Notes section of the asset in Client Accounting Assets.
Before you begin...
Make sure you don't already have an existing asset register for your client in Client Accounting Assets.
If an assets register already exists, the Migrate data button will be greyed out.
As data can only be migrated into a brand new asset register, if you already have an existing Client Accounting Assets register for your client, you can either delete the register and re-migrate the assets, or if you already have transactions, it may be easier for you to simply recreate the asset in the Client Accounting Assets register.
Data can only be migrated from the year end 2013 or later.