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Personalise reports

Statutory Reporter has a set of default report formats ("definitions") at Master level. You can configure these master reports to apply to all clients within the practice or to apply to one client only.

Any changes made at practice level will apply to all clients of that entity type in your practice. Changes made for a single client will apply only to the client you have applied the change for, and will take precedence over practice-level customisations.

Each client’s individual report settings can be accessed from your client's Client AccountingReports tab.

The Reports tab is disabled if you've configured a MAS, AE Accounts or AO Classic general ledger, or where no financial data source has been configured.

In this task we'll be walk you through how to enter non-transaction data and round balances. If your client's reporting requirements are simple, this may be all you need. However, if your reports need a bit more work, check out our Statutory Reporter for more information on performing further customisations.

To enter client Non-transaction data
  1. From within Client Accounting for your client, click the Reports tab to open Statutory Reporter.

  2. On the TASKS bar, click Non-Transaction Data.

  3. Click on one of the categories in the left-hand pane to enter data in the relevant fields. For example, Compilation report.

    Not sure which category to click on? Enter any part of the data field name into Search for a table or field here. The data categories will be updated as you enter the text.

To specify the rounding accounts
  1. From within Client Accounting for your client, click the Reports tab to open Statutory Reporter.

  2. On the TASKS bar, click Report Options.

  3. Under the display options, select the Display Rounded Balances checkbox then click Specify Rounding Accounts.

  4. Select the Calculate Rounding Error Adjustments checkbox then specify the accounts to allocate rounding error adjustments to according to the table below:

    Profit and LossEnter a profit and loss account code to allocate any rounding error adjustments in the Profit and Loss Statement report.
    Balance SheetEnter an assets, liability or equity account code to allocate all rounding error adjustments in the balance sheet.

  5. To apply rounding error adjustments for the assets and liabilities section separately from the equity section in the balance sheet, select the Adjust the Equity section separately checkbox.

    1. In the Equity field, enter an equity account code to allocate all rounding error adjustments in the equity section of the balance sheet.

      Where Adjust the Equity section separately is selected, the Balance Sheet field becomes Assets and Liabilities.

      Before you click OK, make sure you've got an asset or liability account in the Assets and Liabilities field. All rounding error adjustments in the assets and liabilities section of the balance sheet will be allocated to the specified account code.

  6. Click OK to save your changes and close the Specify Rounding Accounts window.

  7. Click OK to save your report options and to close the window.

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