Adding a stationery document
When adding a new stationery document from the Stationery view, it is not added to any other categories. It will display only under the Stationery view.
When adding a new stationery document from a category, it displays both in that category and under the Stationery view.
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To add a new stationery document
- Access the MYOB Intranet Administration window. See MYOB Intranet Administration and Maintenance
- Select the Stationery category in the left-hand panel.
- Select File > New Stationery.
Right-click Stationery and select New Stationery.
Select the New Stationery icon on the toolbar. The New Stationery window opens on the File name tab by default. - Select the Create New Document option.
- Click Next.The Type tab is displayed. The Type tab is used to optionally select a Document Type and one or more Categories.
Select the Type from the drop-down list. As you are creating a new stationery document, select Stationery as the type. The entries for Type are set up in Maintenance > Maintenance Map > Document Manager Setup > Document Types tab. You can display items by the type they have been assigned in the Document Types view, in the left-hand panel. Staff members can select Document Types as part of the search criteria in the Advanced search
Select the Categories that the new stationery item will be assigned to.The categories are the sections used to group the content. Where a category has sub-categories, click the expand button (the + sign) to display these and select any required sub-categories.
Click Next.The Details tab is displayed. The Details tab is used to enter general details about the item. Title, Description and Keywords are used in Searching and Advanced search.
Enter a Title for the item. The Title displays in the Item view.
Enter a Description for the item.The Description is optional and displays below the Title in the MYOB Intranet Item View.
Enter Keywords for the item. Keywords are optional. Enter any keywords that further identify the item. These are also displayed in the MYOB Intranet Item View. Keywords are limited to a maximum of 500 characters.
Select the Publisher from the drop-down.
Click the Publisher icon to open the Select Publisher window to select the appropriate publisher. Click OK. The Publisher is the name of the person or organisation from where the item originated. As well as MYOB Intranet team members (staff members), this can also be organisations such as the Tax Office, MYOB or Bentleys. This displays on the MYOB Intranet Item View.Select whether the item will Expire and the expiry date.By default, an item will not expire. You can set a date that an item expires by clicking the Expire checkbox and entering the date or selecting the date from the drop-down calendar. Once the specified date is passed, the item will no longer be displayed in MYOB Intranet. It will still display in the MYOB Intranet Administration window and, if required, the date can be reset to re-display it in MYOB Intranet.
Select whether the item will be Read Only. The default is Read Only. Items are normally held as Read Only so that staff members or administrators cannot make any changes to the original file. If you want the original of the item to be editable, remove the Read Only selection. An editable item displays in the Item View with an Editable icon. See Item view.
Click Finish.The new stationery item is added directly to the stationery view or to the relevant category(ies). Microsoft Word will be launched. You can then type or paste the contents of the new stationery document. When you save the new stationery document it is automatically given an internal file name. If required, a copy of the stationery document can be saved elsewhere. When you exit Microsoft Word, you will be prompted to Save or Discard the document. Click Save to add the new item to the selected category(ies). Selecting Discard will not add the item to MYOB Intranet.
To create a new stationery document from an existing document
- Access the MYOB Intranet Administration window. See MYOB Intranet Administration and Maintenance.
Select the Stationery category in the left-hand panel.
Select File > New Stationery.
Right-click Stationery and select New Stationery.
Select the New Stationery icon on the toolbar. The New Stationery window opens on the File name tab by default.Select the Create from Existing option.
Enter a File name or click the ellipsis button to find and select the file within your system. Click Open.
Select the Move Document or Copy Document option.
Click Next.The Type tab is displayed. The Type tab is used to optionally select a Document Type and one or more Categories.
Select the Type from the drop-down list. As you are creating a new stationery document, select Stationery as the type. The entries for Type are set up in Maintenance > Maintenance Map > Document Manager Setup > Document Types tab. You can display items by the type they have been assigned in the Document Types view, in the left-hand panel. Staff members can select Document Types as part of the search criteria in the Advanced search.
Select the Categories that the new item will be available in. The categories are the sections used to group the content. Where a category has sub-categories, click the expand button (the + sign) to display these and select any required sub-categories.
Click Next.The Details tab is displayed. The Details tab is used to enter general details about the item. Title, Description and Keywords are used in Searching and Advanced search.
Enter a Title for the item. The Title displays in the Item view.
Enter a Description for the item. The Description is optional and displays below the Title in the MYOB Intranet Item View.
Enter Keywords for the item. Keywords are optional. Enter any keywords that further identify the item. These are also displayed in the MYOB Intranet Item View. Keywords are limited to a maximum of 500 characters.
Select the Publisher from the drop-down.
Click the Publisher icon to open the Select Publisher window to select the appropriate publisher. Click OK. The Publisher is the name of the person or organisation from where the item originated. As well as MYOB Intranet staff members, this can also be organisations such as the Tax Office, MYOB or Bentleys. This displays on the MYOB Intranet Item View.Select whether the item will Expire and the expiry date. By default, an item will not expire. You can set a date that an item expires by clicking the Expire checkbox and entering the date or selecting the date from the drop-down calendar. Once the specified date is passed, the item will no longer be displayed in MYOB Intranet. It will still display in the MYOB Intranet Administration window and, if required, the date can be reset to re-display it in MYOB Intranet.
Select whether the item will be Read Only. The default is Read Only. Items are normally held as Read Only so that staff members or administrators cannot make any changes to the original file. If you want the original of the item to be editable, remove the Read Only selection. An editable item displays in the Item View with an Editable icon. See Item view.
Click Finish. The new stationery item is added directly to the stationery view or to the relevant category/categories.