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Accountants Enterprise only

Practice Manager is a powerful and easy to use professional service automation system. It provides all the functionality of a comprehensive practice management system, plus additional productivity tools such as resource scheduling and monitoring, document management and practice workflow automation. All these features are designed to boost the productivity and profitability of your practice, improve your cash collections and help you schedule client work and manage resources. It is designed to suit the individual needs of all levels of employees in the practice.

Practice Manager’s main features are:

  • The homepage gives instant access to key performance indicators, contact and client details, including WIP and debtor balances and tasks that need completing or require attention. The graphical presentation of real time information makes it easy to keep on top of the practice’s performance. From here it is possible to drill down into individual clients, assignments, timesheets, bills and employees. See Getting started with Practice Manager for more information.

  • Timesheets provide fast and flexible time and expense(s) recording for all practice members. It enables data entry to be adapted to the needs of the practice and to individual preferences so that chargeable time is captured easily. See Timesheets, disbursements and expenses for more information.

  • Contact and client relationship management is made easy with quick access to detailed information. As well as the standard contact details, including multiple addresses and phone numbers, there is the ability to capture interactions with clients, record relationships between clients and contacts and store many forms of documentation within a client’s profile. See Using the Client page for more information.

  • A streamlined billing system which enables a fast turnaround of WIP into bills making it easier for you to keep on top of your practice’s exposure. See Billing for more information.

  • Improved and flexible reporting engine from which you can monitor where and how the practice is making money. Selected information can be extracted to Microsoft Excel for extended analysis and the AE Reporting functionality delivers timely, relevant and comprehensive information on all aspects of the practice’s performance. See the Reports help topics for more information.

  • Assignment and task management means you have control over the workflow and can manage project milestones to ensure things stay on track. See Assignments (Maintenance menu) for more information.

  • Resource planning and management — track actual time versus budget and report on the profitability of each task. Project steps to be completed can be easily viewed and employees selected for them based on their skills and ability. See Job management for more information.

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