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Using the Client page

The Client and Contact pages has a number of tabs which group information together so that details are easy to view and edit when necessary.

Click on the tabs to display the information for that tab on the page. The Tasks bar updates as you change tabs to show the tasks associated with the information on the tab.

The tabs and associated tasks on the Client page are:

Main tabThis tab displays by default when you open a client. It contains the information identifying the client, how to contact them, along with any notes.

(AE) Assignments tab

(AO) Jobs tab

Allows you to to open, add, create and maintain (AE) assignments or (AO) jobs for clients.
Responsibility tabDisplays the people in your practice who are responsible for this client.

(AE) To Do tab

Enables you to create, view and amend the tasks or activities that are planned or completed for the selected contact or client.

Documents tab

Displays links to documents that are saved against the client or contact so that everyone can find information relating to a client or contact.

Extra tab Contains any extra information that the practice wants to collect.
Associated tabLets you define relationships between this client and other clients and contacts in the database.
Addresses tabDisplays the client’s addresses and is where you edit them.
Practice Manager tabs
Bills tabProvides details of draft bills together with a full billing history of bills created for the selected assignment (AE) or client.
Defaults tabThis tab is used to view and maintain the client’s credit control and bank details.
Home tabDisplays key performance indicators (KPIs) in a graphical format, such as Aged Debt and Aged WIP.
Billing Group tabContains details of parent and child relationships between clients for billing purposes. This function allows you to create a single bill for a group of related clients.
Other product tabs
Client AccountingProvides access to the Client Accounting Trial Balance (Workpapers), Assets and Reports tab, where you can prepare the financial accounts, asset register and financial reports for your client.
Tax Returns tabProvides access to tax returns and other associated information for tax years 2005 to current.
Corporate ComplianceProvides access to the Corporate Compliance module where you can produce and lodge major ASIC forms.
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