Click Edit. The report opens in the Change Report page.
Click the Report fields and formatting tab. The Change Report Fields message is displayed.
Click No if you have already customised this report using Report Designer and need to keep those changes. You must continue to use Report Designer to make changes or all formatting will be lost.
Click Yes to continue.
The available fields for this report type are listed, ready for selection and formatting.
Do not select the Show selected report fields and formatting checkbox.
All available fields are displayed. Selected fields have a tick in the checkbox beside their names; all others have a blank checkbox beside their names.
Select the required report columns by clicking the checkbox beside the field name.
Remove unwanted report columns by deselecting the checkbox beside the field name.
Click the Show selected report fields and formatting checkbox when you have finished adding and deleting columns.
All selected columns are displayed in a new table ready for checking and further editing.
Click OK. The Save report layout window opens.
Select either the Save as new report or Overwrite existing report option.
If necessary, type a different name and a description for this report to differentiate it from the original.
Click OK when finished to add and delete report columns.
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