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Adding filters to basic reports

You can filter the information in your reports in the same general way as you filter any other information.

Some fields have preset filters which can be selected from a drop-down list. For example, Client Type can be filtered by Limited Company, Individual, Trust, etc.

Other fields allow you to search for and select criteria from your database to be used as filters. For example, Client Name can be filtered by single clients.

You can also select and apply a maximum of five filter criteria to the same field, using the Or … columns.

For more information about filters, see Filters.

To filter a basic report
  1. Open a report. See Opening basic format reports for editing and reformatting.

  2. Click Edit. The report opens in the Change Report page.

  3. Click the Report fields and formatting tab. The Change Report Fields message is displayed.

  4. Select the field you want to filter (for example, Client Name or Billed).

  5. Click the same line in the Filter column to display either an ellipse button or a drop-down.

  6. Click the ellipse button to search for appropriate filter criteria (for example, the client “Adams”).
    Click the drop-down and select a filter from the list.
    Enter a formula to use as the criteria (e.g. Billed amount “>1000”).

  7. If necessary, select and apply up to four more filter criteria in the Or … columns.

  8. Repeat for other fields, if applicable.

  9. Click OK. The Save report layout window opens.

  10. Select either the Save as new report or Overwrite existing report option.

  11. If necessary, type a different name and a description for this report to differentiate it from the original.

  12. Click OK when finished.

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