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Mail merge lists

Accountants Enterprise only

Instead of searching for clients over and over again, you can save them into a list and recall the list at a later date.

Only the employee that saved a list can use it.

You can generate mail merges from saved lists. This feature can be used when the list of clients hasn't changed.

For example, you can use a list to:

  • send invitations to clients for marketing events
  • seminar invitations
  • post / email newsletters and Christmas cards.

When you use a report to generate a list of clients, we don't recommend saving and reusing this list. Running the report again ensures you have an up-to-date list of clients.

To save a list
  1. Either:
    • For clients: In the toolbar, click Contacts. The Find Clients page opens.
    • For contacts: In the toolbar, click the Contacts drop-down and choose Open > Contacts. The Find Contacts page open.
  2. Search for the contacts or clients to include in your mail merge and have them listed in the Find page.

    You can use Append to Search Mail Merge to build your list of clients or contacts.

  3. In the Tasks bar, click Save list and enter a name for the list (e.g., ‘Golf Invite Clients’).

  4. Click Save. The list saves and the window closes.

To re-use a saved list in a mail merge
  1. In the Tasks bar, click Open list.
  2. Select the saved list and click OK. The contacts in the saved list appear.

  3. Either:
    • Click the checkbox in the column header to select all the clients or
    • using the checkbox on each row, select your clients.
  4. In the Tasks bar, click Mail merge wizard.  The Mail merge wizard appears. See Creating a mail merge for emails or Creating a mail merge for a Microsoft Word document.

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