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Selecting a Word template

In this stage of creating a mail merge, you select the template.


To select a Word template
  1. You must have selected the mail merge method in Selecting the mail merge method for a word document. The Mail Merge Wizard — Select the Word template for the letters or labels window is open.
  2. Select the template from the list that will be used for the mail merge.
  3. You can create a new template, if required, by clicking Add New Template. (AE) Alternatively, you can create a new template from the Documents tab – see Creating new document templates.
    Complete the creation of the template as you would normally.

    The templates in the Mail Merge Wizard are those located in the correct template directory as defined using the Maintenance > Maintenance Map (AO)Documents > Mailing Settings window. If you cannot see the template you require, refer to your system administrator. You also need to save this new template in the correct directory.

  4. To update a template, right-click a listed template and select Edit template.

  5. Click Next. The Mail Merge Wizard — Select the address to be used window opens ready for you to select the mailing address.
  6. Proceed to Address precedence.









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