The Bill Amounts window is accessed from within the Billing Main page by clicking Bill Amounts. You must be in Edit Bill mode (see Editing and unlocking draft bills). It is also the second step in the BillingWizard.
This is where you decide the amount to bill the client and you can view and allocate the client’s WIP. You can view the amount of WIP held against specific assignments (AE)/jobs (AO), employees, code (tasks) or code types.
Group, sort and filtering features enable you to display the WIP in the most efficient format to make your billing decisions. This could be at the assignment/job, client or code type level. You can also drill down into a group, an employee or assignment/job, to the individual transaction level.
You can choose to bill the client for all time and expenses or only those entries associated with a particular assignment/job. For example, to charge the client for the work that has been done by a particular employee. You may choose to bill for certain activities or tasks that have been carried out. The level at which outstanding WIP amounts are allocated to the bill is flexible.
If you do not want to bill the client for the exact value of the WIP entered against them in the system, you can choose from four types of WIP adjustments in the Bill Amounts window:
Miscellaneous Charge
Estimate to complete.
Bill Amounts window fields and buttons
Field or button
Navigate up
Click to move back up through the WIP display levels after you have drilled down through the WIP items. The drill up and down path is determined by the order of the grouping as you have set it. You can also drill up and down by selecting the option from the right–click menu.
Create estimate
Opens the Create new estimate to complete window where you can add a new estimate to the bill. See Using estimates in billing.
Create miscellaneous charge
Opens the Create new billing charge window where you can add a new miscellaneous charge or credit note to the bill. See Using miscellaneous charges in billing.
Add assignment
Click to open the Find Assignments window where you can select another assignment to add to the current bill. The outstanding WIP for the new assignment will be added to the current client’s WIP total.
Add assignments for client
Click to open the Find Clients window where you can select another client to add to the current bill. The outstanding WIP for all the new client’s assignments will be added to the current client’s WIP total.
Add Job
Click to open the Find Jobs window where you can select another job to add to the current bill. The outstanding WIP for the new job will be added to the current client’s WIP total.
Add Jobs to Client
Click to open the Find Clients window where you can select another client to add to the current bill. The outstanding WIP for all the new client’s jobs will be added to the current client’s WIP total.
If you only want to display WIP items up to a certain date, click the checkbox and use the drop-down calendar to select the required date or enter the date in the format dd/mm/yyyy. All WIP items entered after the selected date are removed from the list.
Prorata allocation
Select the checkbox to allocate billed amounts using a Pro-rata basis (see Pro-rata WIP entry method).
Deselect the checkbox to allocate billed amounts using a First In First Out basis (see FIFO WIP entry method).
Right-click menu
Right-click on a WIP entry. The right–click menu options (some of which are also on the TASKS bar) are:
WIP Inspector—displays the WIP Inspector window where you can view more details and a graph of the WIP history for the selected item. Click More to display or remove the graphical area.
Billing Explanation—click to open the Billing Explanation window where you can enter internal notes for the bill. These notes can be displayed on practice billing reports.
Navigate Up—this is the same as the toolbar button.
Drill Down—this is the same as the toolbar button.
Open Timesheet—this will open the employee’s timesheet in which the selected item was entered.
Billing History—at the client level this displays all bills posted for that client. At the assignment/job level, it displays posted bills related to the assignment/job.
(AE) Post WIP—enables you to post unposted time displayed in the Billing Wizard. You must have Post WIP Responsibility and be a member of a Client/Assignment team.
Field Chooser—opens the Field Chooser window where you can drag and drop fields on to the page. This enables you to customise the information on display for the WIP items.
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