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WIP and debt reporting area

Practice Manager only

The WIP and Debt reporting area delivers a snapshot of summary data by client, (AE) assignment, (AO) job, and for the practice as a whole. The snapshot will show the overall position for both WIP and debtors over a date range and compare this information against billing budgets.

The summary reports deliver an overview of either clients or (AE) assignments / (AO) jobs over a date range. Not only do they display the outstanding WIP but also detail the information such as last date that WIP was added, last date a bill (fee) was raised and the last date a write off incurred within the period. This is brought together with outstanding debtors amounts to give an overall look up or money owed value.

The control reports detail the opening and closing balances of the practice's WIP ledger and debtors ledger into a single report. This is generally run at period end to report on how the practice performed financially.

Available reports





Assignment summary


The Assignment Summary reporting area is used to produce reports that provide partners and managers with a snapshot of the position and movement of all their assignments within a particular date range.

This reporting area is useful for practices where partners/managers are directly responsible for particular assignments. This area includes unique report fields that allow you to get a breakdown of charges, fees and write-offs by the various transaction types.

Client summary


The Client Summary reporting area is used to produce reports that provide partners and managers with a snapshot of the position and movement of all clients within a particular date range.

This reports area is useful for practices where partners/managers are directly responsible for particular clients. This area includes unique report fields that display a breakdown of charges, fees and write-offs by the various transaction types.

Control by assignment


The Control by Assignment reporting area is used to produce reports that contain a snapshot of the WIP and debtors figures of an assignment company on one page. The reporting in this area is done at the assignment company level.

Control by client


The Control by Client reporting area is used to produce reports that contain a snapshot of the WIP and debtors figures of a client company on one page. The reporting in this area is done at the client company level.

Job summary


The Job Summary reporting area is used to produce reports that provide partners and managers with a snapshot of the position and movement of all their jobs within a particular date range.

This reporting area is useful for practices where partners/managers are directly responsible for particular jobs. This area includes unique report fields that allow you to get a breakdown of charges, fees and write-offs by the various transaction types.

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