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Creating a favourites list

Accountants Enterprise in Australia only

To create a favourites list from the Generating Reports window
  1. Within your General Ledger software, and with the required client ledger open, select Reports > ReporterGenerate reports. The Generating Reports window opens for the client.
  2. Click the Favourites button. The Favourites window is displayed.
  3. Click 
    . The Favourite Configuration window opens for you to enter information about your new favourite.
  4. Enter the Name of the favourite. The Name cannot be blank and must be unique.
  5. Enter the Report to run.
  6. Enter the appropriate Font.
  7. Select the appropriate View Column Template By option.
    1. The Template Name option enables you to alter all formats with column templates using the template name. When previewed the report will replace the configuration in the left column with the template on the right.
    2. The Format option enables you to reassign the template for individual formats.
  8. Click Apply.
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