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Setting the column width

Accountants Enterprise in Australia only

Column width can be set in one of two ways:

To set column width by dragging with the mouse
  1. In the column label area (labelled A, B, C, etc), position the cursor over the right-hand boundary of the column whose width you want to change. The cursor changes to a double-headed arrow.

  2. Drag the boundary to where you want it to appear and release the mouse button. The column resizes.

To set column width by specifying an exact value
  1.  In the column label area (labelled A, B, C, etc), position the cursor over the column whose width you want to change.
  2. From the right–click menu, select Column Width. The Column Width window opens.
    1. Edit the existing entry to display the desired column width.
    2. Click OK to apply your change.

Changes are not saved until you save the Format.

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