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Converting a standard ledger to a departmental ledger

This support note applies to:

  • AO Classic General Ledger (AU)
Article ID: 31465

Below is the procedure to convert an existing standard ledger into a departmental ledger.
Note: Although a standard ledger can be changed to a departmental ledger, due to the time involved in completing this process, printing a trial balance and re-keying the ledger maybe a more viable option.

Ensure that you have a backup of the general ledger data. For more information refer to Backing up General Ledger data in AO Classic

The following areas need adjusting:

To change Account Structure
  1. From the General Ledger menu, select Options. The Ledger Configuration window appears.
  2. Click the Account Structure tab. Account Structure details appear.
  3. Change the Maximum length of Account Code to 4. Maximum length of Accounts Code changes from 3 to 4.
  4. Mark the Use first part of the Account Code as a Department Code? checkbox. Use first part of the Account Code as a Department Code is selected.
  5. Change Number of digits in Department Code from 0 to 1. Number of digits in Department Code displays 1.
  6. Click OK. The Ledger Configuration window closes.
To update Chart of Accounts
  1. When updating your chart of accounts from the departmental template, please ensure you select the correct entity type.
  2. From the General Ledger menu, select Account Utilities. Accounts Utilities menu list appears.
  3. Select Update Accounts from a standard. Update Accounts wizard step 1 appears.
  4. Select the appropriate departmental template and click Next twice. Update Accounts wizard step 3 appears.
  5. Mark the Add accounts that are present… checkbox The Add accounts that are present … checkbox is selected.
  6. Clear the Print a list of accounts… checkbox, click Next. Update Accounts wizard step 4 appears.
  7. Click Finish. Select Accounts to Add window appears.
  8. Click Select All and then click OK. General Ledger front screen appears.
To change existing accounts via Bulk Account Number change

Bulk Account number change will allow you to efficiently change a large amount of account numbers from one department to another or from a standard chart of accounts structure to the departmental, i.e. xxx/xx to a department xxxx/xx.

  1. From the General Ledger menu, select Account Utilities. Accounts Utilities menu list appears.
  2. Select Bulk Account Number Change and click OK. The Do you wish to restore a template? question appears.
  3. Click No. Bulk Account number change window appears.
  4. In the New Code section, enter the department account code you wish to change to, i.e. for 300 Accounting, enter 1300, Click OK when finished. The Do you wish to save this file as a template…? question appears
  5. Click No. General Ledger front screen appears.
To change linked GST Accounts
  1. From the General Ledger menu, select Options. General Options tab of Ledger Configuration window appears.
  2. Click the GST Accounts tab. GST Accounts tab of Ledger Configuration window appears.
  3. Add a 1 to the account codes already present and click OK. I.e. Change accounts from 908/xx to 1908/xx. General Ledger front screen appears.
To define Income Allocation
  1. From the General Ledger menu, select Income Allocation. The Income Allocation File Maintenance window appears.
  2. Delete the current entries by pressing F8. The Income Allocation File Maintenance window is blank.
  3. Add new income allocation accounts by pressing F4. Enter an account code or account codes totalling 100%.

For further information refer to Creating departments in AO Classic General Ledger

To change the default codes in Livestock Valuation

If using Livestock Valuation, change the default account codes within Livestock Valuation.

  1. From the General Ledger menu, select Livestock Valuation. The Livestock Valuation window appears.
  2. Click the Account Codes tab. The Account code details appear.
  3. Change the account numbers to the correct department and click Close. The General Ledger front screen appears.
To update the Reports Selection from our Templates

To print departmental and consolidated reports for your new departmental client, you will have to delete most of the reports within your reports listing and add the departmental reports that relate to your departmental entity type.

  1. From the Reports menu, select Print Financial Reports. Step 1 - Start of the Print Financial reports wizard appears.
  2. Click Next. Step 2 - Select Report list of the Print Financial reports wizard appears.
  3. Select Year End Accounts and click Remove. The Year End Accounts report list disappears.

    Continue to select the other Report lists, and remove them.

  4. Click Add / Copy. The Add\Copy Report List appears.
  5. Select the Copy a Report List option. Select Entity and Available report Lists sections become active.
  6. Select a template to copy a report list, i.e. 34 Departmental Small Company. Available Report List populate with report lists from the template.

    If the templates are not showing a Year End date of 30/06/08, please refer to Updating my General Ledger templates

  7. Click Select All. All reports in the report list are highlighted
  8. Click Update. The report lists will now be updated to enable you to select the appropriate reports for Departmental and Consolidated Financial reporting.
To add selected reports to your existing Report Lists

You can also manually add the reports into your existing report lists by following the steps below.

  1. From the Reports menu, select Print Financial Reports. Step 1 - Start of the Print Financial reports wizard appears.
  2. Click Next. Step 2 - Select Report list of the Print Financial reports wizard appears.
  3. Select the Report List that you normally use to print your financial reports, i.e. Year End Accounts and Click Next. Step 3 - Reports to Print of the Print Financial reports wizard appears.
  4. Press F4. The Adding a report screen appears.
  5. Enter a Report ID number. Report ID appears

    You can either select the ID number for the report or choose your own unique ID number.

  6. Click the Master Report Type option and select the appropriate Departmental Master. i.e. ZZAU34 - Dept Small Company. The Report master selected is highlighted.
  7. Select the report from Name of Report to add list and click OK. Report is added to the report list.
  8. Repeat the above steps 4 - 7 if you want to add additional reports.

For a comprehensive list of the reports available to your specific departmental entity type, view the reports within the departmental templates.

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