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Error "Environment Error -2147220991 Unrecognized database format"

This support note applies to:

  • AE Reporter (NZ)
  • AE Reporter (AU)
Article ID: 22118

When opening MYOB AE Reporter, you may get the following error message, where X:\ is your network drive:

Environment Error -2147220991 Unrecognized database format    X:\...\...\...\*.nrw or the path may be X:\...\...\...\*.nrm.

This error happens when some of the Reporter application files are corrupt.

To fix the environment error
  1. Delete all relevant lock files. For details, see Error: "Roll forward is currently in progress..."
  2. Uninstall AE Reporter from the Server using Control Panel. For details, see Uninstalling MYOB Accountants Enterprise Reporter
  3. Reinstall AE Reporter. For details, see the relevant MYOB AE Reporter installation guide.
    1. Install AE Reporter 3.3 on the server.
    2. Run the Reporter Integration workstation setup on the server.
    3. Install the latest AE Reporter upgrade on the server.
  4. Restore any affected files from a backup before you get the error. For example, this may include your Practice Masters and any affected client's Reporter data files.

For any affected client you can also rename the .nrw files as this will force the application to create a new file.

To rename the .nrw files
  1. Rename the .nrw files. For details, see Renaming the .nrw file
    The application is forced to create a new file.
  2. Re-enter all Non-Transaction Data for the individual client.
JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.