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Error: "Roll forward is currently in progress..."

This support note applies to:

  • AE Reporter (AU)
  • AE Reporter (NZ)
Article ID: 26096

In MYOB Accountants Enterprise (AE) Reporter, you may experience one or more of the following errors:

  • Roll forward is currently in progress at Master level.

  • Roll forward is currently in progress at Practice level.

  • Roll forward is currently in progress for <ClientCode>.

These errors occur if the system identifies that a rollover at any of the Reporter levels is in progress. This is indicated by the existence of lock files in the Reporter folders. Lock files have the extension .ldb, .lcr, .rlcr, .lck, or .rlck (for example, Company.rlck).

Before you begin, make sure file extensions are visible in Windows File Explorer. See Viewing hidden files, folders and drives or enabling file extensions in Windows for details.

To successfully open Reporter, delete the lock files for the Reporter level where the error occurs.

Roll forward is currently in progress at Master level
  1. Follow the menu path:Start > Programs > File Explorer.
  2. Navigate to the following location, where X:\ is the installed location of your software:

    If you're using...

    Navigate to...

    AE MASX:\SOL64\Reporter\Master
    AE AccountsX:\MYOB\bin\Reporter\Master
    MAS with MYOB AOX:\MYOBAO\AOSQL\Tax\Reporter\Master


    A list of files within the Master folder appear.

  3. Delete any files with the entity type of the crashed ledger and the extension .ldb, .lcr, .rlcr, .lck, or .rlck.

    You'll also need to delete all .ldb, .lcr, .rlcr, .lck, or .rlck. in the \Reporter\Modified folder. See Roll forward is currently in progress at Practice level below for steps.

Roll forward is currently in progress at Practice level
  1. Follow the menu path:Start > Programs > File Explorer. Windows Explorer opens.

  2. Navigate to the following location, where X:\ is the installed location of your software and M:\ is the database location of your software:

    If you're using...

    Navigate to...

    AE MAS




    AE Accounts


    MAS with MYOB AO


    A list of files within the Modified folder appear.

  3. Delete any files with the entity type of the crashed ledger and the extension .ldb, .lcr, .rlcr, .lck, or .rlck. The lock file is deleted.

Roll forward is currently in progress for <Client>
  1. Follow the menu path:Start > Programs > File Explorer. Windows Explorer opens.

  2. Navigate to the following location, where M:\ is the database location of your software.

    If you are using...
    Navigate to...
    AE MAS




    AE Accounts


    MAS with MYOB AO



    A list of files and folders within the database location appears.

  3. Delete only the files with the extensions .ldb, .lcr, .rlcr, .lck, or .rlck

    Only delete the file/s with the file extension .ldb, .lcr, .rlcr, .lck or .rlck.

    If you'reusing...
    Delete the lock file...
    AE MAS or MAS with MYOB AO

    Delete any files with the Client Code of the ledger and the extension .ldb, .lcr, .rlck, or .lck. For example, SMITH01.lck, SMITH01.rlck.

    AE AccountsDelete any files with the File Name of the ledger and the extension .ldb, .lcr, .rlck, or .lck. For example, 001025.lcr, 001025.rlck.
    MAS with MYOB AO

    Delete any files with the Client Code of the ledger and the extension .ldb, .lcr, .rlck, or .lck. For example, SMITH01.lck, SMITH01.rlck.

    If you are using AE Accounts, to identify file name of the ledger, verify the affected ledger using Client File Maintenance. For details, see Identifying the file name/s for an Accounts ledger.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.