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Error: "MYOB.Tax.Sbr.SbrSender.Server.HostService_AODB1"

This support note applies to:

  • AO Tax (AU)
  • AE Tax Series 6 & 8 (AU)
  • AE Tax (AU)
Article ID: 38322

In MYOB Tax when lodging using PLS you may experience the error in the application event log:

"MYOB.Tax.Sbr.SbrSender.Server.HostService_AODB1 with an exception "Failed to get process address of MRego.dll function. Reason: Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

This error indicates that the service has detected insufficient permissions to the MYOB share or folder containing MYOB Tax in particular the licence.
To resolve this error ensure that all users have modify permissions under both the sharing and security tabs on the folder used to host MYOB files.  This is the folder used to map the network drive.

It can also be caused by incorrect paths in your registry keys for your licence. E.g. they are pointing to a network path instead of a UNC path.

Please navigate to both your Deploy and Tax (SOL64) folders to locate your registration.ini file/s.

 Deploy folder locationTax(SOL64) location

These registration.ini files should only ever contain a UNC path if it is a network drive path please get your IT to update it to the equivilent UNC path by checking Computer management under Administrative tools.

Once this has been done please re-run your workstation setup.

 Once the above has been addressed, then you will need to restart the MYOB Tax SBR Sender Server Service. For details refer to Restarting the MYOB Tax SBR Sender Server

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.