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Error: "This form has been lodged and is awaiting validation from the ATO and cannot be opened"

This support note applies to:

  • AE Tax Series 6 & 8 (AU)
  • AE Tax (AU)
Article ID: 29288

In MYOB Tax if you have a return or form where you have processed lodgment, and the status is updated to Lodged, however there is  uncertainty as to whether the ATO has received and validated the lodgment, you can verify the lodgment and/or reprocess it.

This error can occur if the form was lodged to the ATO and the ATO have not sent a validation report.

To clarify if this is the case, refer to the transmission report. If the transmission report denotes the transmission as being successful, request a validation report from the ATO.

If the transmission report denotes the transmission as being unsuccessful or there is NO transmission report available in the ATO Logs, hence, implying no form being lodged to the ATO, confirm directly with the ATO whether they received the form. In the situation where no form has been received by the ATO, refresh the lodgment status of the return and re-process the lodgment.

Upon examining your transmission report, follow the appropriate procedure below: 

Transmission was successful

To request a validation report from the ATO
  1. Open any tax return for the current financial year, follow the menu path: Lodgment > Electronic > Lodge... The Connect to the ATO window appears.

  2. Select the Retrieve reports only option. The option is highlighted.

  3. Click Connect now. The ELS transmission window appears.

You receive ATO reports that are ready for download that have not yet been received.

Transmission not successful, or no transmission report available

Refresh the lodgement status of the form. Click the link for the appropriate form type:

To update status on tax returns
  1. Follow the menu path: Lodgment > Update > I P T C F Forms. The Lodgment Update window opens.

  2. Select the Single Return option and click OK. The Lodgment Update window appears.

  3. Click the ellipses button [...] on the Status field, highlight Lodged and click Select. The status is selected.

  4. Click OK. The return appears.

  5. Follow the menu path: Lodgment > Update > I P T C F Forms. The Lodgment Update window opens.

  6. Select the Single Return option and click OK. The Lodgment Update window appears.

  7. Click the ellipses button [...] on the Status field, highlight Not Lodged and click Select. The status is selected.

  8. Click OK. The status is updated.

To update status on other forms
  1. Follow the menu path: Lodgment > Update > Other ATO Forms. The Lodgment Update window opens.

  2. Highlight the relevant item and click Update. The Lodgment Update window opens.

  3. Click the ellipses button [...] on the Status field, highlight Lodged and click Select. The status is selected.

  4. Click OK. The Lodgment Update window appears.

  5. Click Close. The return appears.

  6. Follow the menu path: Lodgment > Update > Other ATO Forms. The Lodgment Update window opens.

  7. Highlight the relevant item and click Update. The message "Schedule selected has a status of Lodged. Dow you wish to continue?" appears.

  8. Click Yes. The Lodgment Update window opens.

  9. Click the ellipses button [...] on the Status field, highlight Not Lodged and click Select. The message "This form has been logged..." appears.

  10. Click OK. The status is updated.

  11. Click OK. The status is updated.


If you are still experiencing issues with completing the tax return, refer to:

Resetting the lodgment history of a tax return or form in AE Tax (AE Tax) or
Resetting the lodgment history of a tax return or form in AE Tax Series 6 & 8 (AE Tax Integrated Series 6 & 8).

To update the Return Lodged via field
  1. Click the Properties icon on the toolbar. The Return Properties window appears.
  2. Click the ellipses button on the Return Lodged via field and select E. 'E' appears in the Return Lodged via field.
  3. Click OK. The return appears.
To amend the completed form

Even though you are not making any changes to the return or form in this case, you need to re-process the validate and complete process to be able to re-process the lodgment. To do this you need to amend the completed form.

  1. Open the required form and click the Edit completed form 

     icon. The form becomes editable.

To lodge the form

Perform the steps in the Validate and complete the form section and the Tag, output and lodge the return or form via ELS section in Preparing a Tax return or form for electronic lodgment

MYOB Internal Notes:

Log ID 1709916 If the issue persists, check the Return lodged via field in the Return Properties. If the field is greyed out, follow the procedure for clearing the ELS lodgement history as per 15698 and 15700 for System Release and Contacts users respectively. Once you have done this procedure click the Edit completed form icon and the error no longer appears. The client can then edit the form and complete and lodge as per normal. 

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.