Including all assets in AMS data conversion
This support note applies to:
Article ID: 26779
In MYOB Accountants Enterprise Assets (AE Assets), when converting from Asset Management System (AMS) to AE Assets, some assets may not convert. This can occur when the asset in AMS data has been incorrectly flagged as sold.
To include all assets in AMS data conversion Back up the AE Asset ledger. For details, see Backing up an Assets ledger . Delete the AE Assets ledger. Ensure that you have a backup of your data before deleting. In System Services, select the ledger and click Delete . The Delete Item window appears. Click All Data . The message This item has been used since creation, and there are no known backups. Do you wish to proceed? appears.
Click Yes . The ledger disappears from the ledger list. Sell the asset in AMS. For details, see Selling an asset in AE Assets . Unsell the asset in AMS to remove the incorrectly stored dates from the relevant fields. For details, see Unselling an asset . Convert the ledger to AE Assets. For details, see Converting an AMS ledger to AE Assets (AST) .