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Performing a backup or restore of Corporate Compliance

This support note applies to:

  • AO Corporate Compliance (AU)
  • AE Corporate Compliance (AU)
Article ID: 36967

MYOB encourages that all clients perform regular back up routines. However, there may be a time where you need to perform a backup of Corporate Compliance or, where you need to restore your Corporate Compliance data from a previous backup.

This article will step you through how to perform an immediate or 'manual' backup, as well as how to restore the backup.

Before you begin

  • Ensure you're logged in as an administrator, to the server where Corporate Compliance is installed.

  • Perform the following from the Windows desktop of the computer that stores your CC data
  • All users on workstations have exited from Corporate Compliance and (if integrated) MYOB Practice Manager.
  • If you're restoring data, ensure you're restoring the data onto the same Corporate Compliance data server as where the backup has been taken from (This is not intended for a Migration).
To back up Corporate Compliance

The following information will step you through taking an immediate backup. If you're looking for information on setting up regular, schedule backups refer to Scheduling a Backup in Corporate Compliance v3.0.

  1. Click the Start button and select the following options based on the software that you use:

    If you are using...navigate to...
    Accountants Enterprise (AE)All Programs > MYOB Accountants Enterprise > Corporate Compliance Utilities > Backup.
    Accountants Office (AO)All Programs > MYOB Accountants Office > Corporate Compliance Utilities > Backup.

    The Corporate Compliance Utilities window appears.

  2. Click Backup and Restore option in the TASKS Pane.
  3. From the Corporate Compliance Database Backup window, click Backup Now.
  4. Select the Retention Type checkbox and click OK.

    Retention TypeDescription
    RetainMYOB will keep the backup until it is manually deleted.
    Not RetainThe backup is part of the regular backup cycle. These backups will be kept for a period of time as per the Settings TASKS menu.
To restore CC data (integrated and non-integrated)

The following information relates to restoring a backup of Corporate Compliance where the backup you are restoring has been taken from the same server. These steps are not intended to be used for a server migration. If you're migrating your Corporate Compliance data to a different server, refer to one of the following articles:

Corporate Compliance integrated with AE: Migrating MYOB AE Corporate Compliance (Integrated) to a new server

Corporate Compliance integrated with Profiles: Migrating your MYOB Profiles Integrated Corporate Compliance to a new server

Corporate Compliance (Non-integrated): Migrating your MYOB AE Non integrated Corporate Compliance to a new server

On the server where Corporate Compliance has been installed, perform the following tasks in the order they appear.

Determine the location of the CC backup files folder

  1. From the desktop of your server, press the Windows logo key on your keyboard and type Backup. Then click Backup from the search result.
  2. In the left-hand pane, under the Backup and Restore section, select Settings. The local path for files and backup files location path are displayed in the right-hand pane.
  3. Under the label Backup files location, note the path displayed in the grey text box. This path is the CC backup files folder. The path is noted.
  4. Close the Corporate Compliance Utilities application. The CC Backup location has been determined.

Copy the CC data to the backup files folder, ensuring it is available in the backup list

  1. Note the name of the backup file and copy the CC backup to the backup files folder. The backup is ready to restore.
  2. From the desktop of your server, press the Windows logo key on your keyboard and type Backup. Then click Backup from the search result.
  3. In the left-hand pane, click Backup and Restore. Existing backup files in the backup files folder are displayed in the right-hand pane.
  4. From the right-hand pane, select Add Backup File and in the Add backup file window, click the ellipses button
    to select the desired Corporate Compliance backup file.
  5. In the backup file details > Description section, type a description (For example, restoring backup dated DD/MM/YYYY). Then click OK.

Restore the Corporate Compliance data

  1. Select the converted CC data Backup file and click on Restore. The converted CC data file is restored to the server machine.

    You may receive a message indicating a more recent backup is available. Confirm that the selected backup is the one you wish to restore.
  2. If Corporate Compliance is integrated with MYOB Practice Manager, refresh the Corporate Compliance Settings in Practice Manager.

Open AEPM and update Corporate Compliance settings

  1. In MYOB AE follow the menu path Maintenance > Corporate Compliance > Settings. The Corporate Compliance Settings window appears.

  2. In the Corporate Compliance database section, select the SQL Server name and instance. For example; server\MYOBACCT.
  3. In the Corporate Compliance database section, select the Corporate Compliance database from the drop down list.
  4. Click OK.
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