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Migrating MYOB AE Corporate Compliance (Integrated) to a new server

This support note applies to:

  • AE Practice Manager (AU)
  • AE Tax (AU)
  • AE Corporate Compliance (AU)
Article ID: 34800

This Knowledge Base article is an overview of how to migrate MYOB Accountants Enterprise (AE) Integrated Corporate Compliance to a new Server.

MYOB provides a Migration Service.  If you have any doubts or concerns about completing this migration yourself, please contact your local MYOB office and arrange for one of our Consultants to perform the migration for you.  This service may require a booking, so please plan well in advance.

It is important that someone who is competent with the Microsoft Windows operating system manages the migration.

If you experience issues with MYOB software after following the instructions below, additional assistance on your migration may fall outside of the terms of your Sales and Service Agreement.

Please read through these instructions prior to undertaking the migration process.

These instructions assume that a current AE Practice Manager database exists (AEDB1) and is installed to instance MYOBACCT.  If this database also requires migration please refer to:

To migrate MYOB AE Integrated Corporate Compliance, you will need to:

Step 1: On the old server detach the Corporate Compliance database
  1. Follow the menu path: Start > Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 20xx (where 20xx is the currently installed / configured SQL version for MYOB) > SQL Server Management Studio Express. The Connect to Server login screen appears.

    The path may vary depending on the version of SQL installed.
  2. Ensure the Server Name, Login and Password are correct and click Connect. The Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express screen appears.
  3. Click the [+] symbol to expand Databases. All databases in the instance are shown.
  4. Right-click on the Corporate Compliance database and choose Tasks > Detach. The Detach Database window appears.
  5. Click OK to detach the database without deleting the mdf or ldf files. The database is detached from SQL.

    For further information refer to the Microsoft Developer's Network (MSDN).

Navigate to the location of the corporate compliance database files. Copy the following files and save them into C:\temp\cc on the new server:

  • CorporateCompliance_Data.mdf
  • CorporateCompliance_Log.ldf
Step 2: How do I set the traceflag -T4606 to the MYOBACCT instance for SQL 2012?
These steps may differ slightly depending on the operating system version on the server
  1. Press Winkey to return to Metro and type SQL Server Configuration Manager.
  2. Open the SQL Server Configuration Manager.
  3. Navigate to SQL Server Network Configuration.
  4. Click on SQL Server Services.
  5. Right click on SQL Server (MYOBACCT) and select Properties.
  6. Click on Startup Parameters tab.
  7. Type -T4606 and click Add.
  8. In the Existing Parameters label you should now clearly see -T4606.
  9. Click Apply and a prompt about restarting the service appears
  10. Click OK twice.
  11. Right click on SQL Server (MYOBACCT) and select Restart.
Step 3: Install Integrated Corporate Compliance

If you have used the combined installer to install and migrate AE Practice Manager you can skip this step as CC will have been installed as well.

If you have not used the combined installer, please refer to the installation guide that accompanies the AECC installer, and run the server/client installation of Corporate Compliance.

During the installation, select Integrated with AE, choose the MYOBACCT instance for CC.

During the post installation configuration, set the electronic lodgment system path to C:\CCTemp.

Step 4: On the new server in Server Management Studio, detach the new Corporate Compliance database and rename the database files

The detach steps appear earlier in this article.

Navigate to the location of the SQL database files (Typically C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL12.MYOBAPPS\MSSQL\DATA) and rename the following:

  • CorporateCompliance_Data.mdf to CorporateCompliance_Data.mdf.old
  • CorporateCompliance_Log.ldf to CorporateCompliance_Log.ldf.old
Step 5: Copy the database files from c:\temp\cc to the SQL data folder

Navigate to the path C:\temp\cc and copy the following files and paste them into the SQL data folder (typically C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL12.MYOBAPPS\MSSQL\DATA)

  • CorporateCompliance_Data.mdf
  • CorporateCompliance_Log.ldf
Step 6: Open AEPM and update Corporate Compliance settings
  1. In MYOB AE follow the menu path: Maintenance > Corporate Compliance > Settings. The Corporate Compliance Settings window appears.
  2. In the Corporate Compliance database section, select the SQL Server name and instance. For example; server\MYOBACCT.
  3. In the Corporate Compliance database section, select the Corporate Compliance database from the drop down list.
  4. Click OK.
Step 7: Change the electronic lodgment system path

Please refer to the Changing the Electronic Lodgement Path used for Internet lodgement

Ensure relevant staff have full control permissions set for this location. You can choose to copy the contents of the old ELS folder into this location.

Step 8: Create an exception in the Firewall

Once the server is installed it's important to create an exception for the Corporate Compliance instance so that workstations can access it. This port will be unique for your site and you need to find the port in: SQL Server Configuration Manager > SQL Server Network Configuration > Protocols for MYOBACCT > Right click on TCP/IP > Properties > IP Addresses tab > Scroll to the bottom and note down the IPALL TCP Dynamic Port.

Please see the appendix at the end of the installation guide for full details.

Step 9: Re install the workstation from the Corporate Compliance

After successfully removing Corporate Compliance workstation from Control Panel > Programs and Features, run the Corporate Compliance installation and select client installation. Please refer to the relevant installation guide, provided on for full instructions.

For sites who have used the combined installer, a workstation setup will be required.

Refer to Workstations unable to connect to the Corporate Compliance (CC) database if you encounter issues with the workstation component.

Once the migration is complete it is recommended to remove the -T4606 trace and configure a Windows Scheduled Task to backup Corporate Compliance.
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