Running a workstation setup for AE Reporter (AU)
This support note applies to:
- AE Reporter (AU)
When you install MYOB Accountants Enterprise (AE) AE Reporter you need to firstly install the server component and then run a workstation setup on each workstation to install the workstation components required to run the application.
This is also the case for a new standalone installation. You need to install the application and then run the workstation setup for the workstation.
To ensure a workstation can operate Reporter you need to run the workstation setup process from the Reporter Integration folder. This location may vary depending on the ledger product you're using.
Based on the Reporter version you are running, you'll need to run either Setup.exe or MYOBAEReporterWorkstation3_4_AU.exe or both.
For more details refer to the following install guides:
- Accountants Enterprise Reporter 3.3 Installation Guide under the heading Reporter Integration (Workstation 3.3) Install
- Accountants Enterprise Reporter 3.4 Installation Guide under the heading Workstation Installation
- Accountants Enterprise Reporter 3.5 Installation Guide under the heading AE Reporter integration (Workstation 3.5) install.
For Windows 8 & 10 workstations you need to ensure you Disabling User Account Control (UAC) for the installation.