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General tab (Return properties)

The following fields appear on the General tab of the Return Properties.

Client Code

This value differs depending on your software:

  • AE Tax: This code identifies the client to which the return is attached. When creating a new return using integrated client data select [F10] and choose from the clients listed. The Client code identifies the client to which the return is attached. In Practice Manager each client may have one return per income year and so the client code is always the same as the return code.
  • AO: This code identifies the client to which the return is attached and may not be edited in Tax. If changes are required, they are made to the Contacts database. On each Client Page information is maintained on the Main, Addresses, Extra, Associated, Tax Returns, and Responsibility tabs
  • AE Tax series 6 & 8: This code identifies the client in Practice Manager. For information on clients refer to Contact Browser.
Form Type

This indicates the main income tax return type, either Individual, Company, Fund, Self-Managed Fund, Trust or Partnership to which every other return or form that is lodged with the same TFN is attached. For example, FBT returns, SCS returns and Activity Statements.

For AO users, if changes are required, they should be made on the Tax Returns tab.

To create an Activity Statement for a client open the Tax Returns tab for the client and use the Create Activity Statement link on the Tasks bar.

Standalone Refunds checkbox

To indicate that your client does not have a requirement to lodge an income tax return but wants to lodge a claim for a Refund of franking credits tick this checkbox to create an abbreviated Form I.

Self-Managed Fund checkbox

If the client has been setup as an organisation of type SMSF this checkbox will be ticked when the return is created. If a Fund return has been created when it was intended to create a Self-Managed Fund, then ticking this checkbox will convert the return from a Fund to a Self-Managed Superannuation Fund, you are warned the data entered into the return will be lost.

For AE Tax Series 6 & 8 users, this checkbox is ticked to indicate that the Fund is Self-Managed. When you create the return as a Self-Managed Fund the checkbox is ticked for you. If you alter this checkbox after entering data into the return warned that data will be lost.

Return code

The Return code is the major or primary sorting code for all reporting requirements.

  • For MYOB AE and Series 6/8: it must be unique and a code that easily identifies the taxpayer. Up to 10 Alpha or numeric characters may be used. It is recommended that Return Codes always be in UPPER CASE.

  • For MYOB AO, it is the same as the Client Code and may not be edited in Tax.

Tax File No.

This is the legal default TFN for all of the taxpayer's affairs. It is mandatory for all returns lodged via ELS and will default to the TFN field when any of the permitted forms or schedules is opened for data entry. The TFN must pass the ELS [F3] algorithm validation in order to be lodged via ELS. Where the TFN is not known at the time of creating the return, accept the Warning message to continue processing the details.

The TFN is the secondary sorting sequence for all reporting requirements.

In AO, the TFN will be updated in the Contacts database if it is entered in Tax and vice versa

  • For AE and AE Tax Series 6/8: Press [F10] to select from the valid ATO titles, or type the title.
  • For AO: If the Title is entered in the Contacts database then it will be updated in the Tax Return and the Return Properties and if it is selected from the [F10] dropdown list of valid ATO titles at the title field in the Front cover of the individual return it will update the Title field in the Contacts database.
Name details
  • For AE and AE Tax Series 6/8: The name defaults from the Client details. If the taxpayer's name is not the same as the Client name, open the Name tab and type the name details. The details from the Name tab will default to the Front Cover of the return and be used for Reporting and Letter Writing functions.

  • For Practice Manager users: The name on the tax return defaults from the Client details on the client’s Main tab.

  • For AO: The Surname and Given Names default from the Client details in the Contacts database. This is the name that will default to the Front Cover of the return and be used for Reporting and Letter Writing functions.


This is the default Australian Business Number for all the taxpayer's affairs and will default to the relevant field when the form or schedule is opened for data entry. The ABN must be valid in accordance with ATO requirements. [F3] validation will not permit a return to be lodged via ELS where the ABN is mandatory and no ABN has been entered or where the ABN is not valid.

In AO, the ABN may be entered in the Contacts database or in the Return Properties. From wherever it is entered it will update the other place.

Division No.This is a 3 digit number assigned by the ATO to entities within a group or divisions within a business that share a common ABN.

This is the Withholding Payer Number and is primarily required for Trustees with Withholding obligations. Trustees must be registered for PAYG withholding and record the WPN in the return properties of each beneficiary of the trust in order that the Payment Summary to be provided to beneficiaries is in accordance with ATO requirements.

The PAYG withholding system requires you be registered and withhold amounts from payments you make to your employees and send the withheld amounts to the ATO, even if the amount you must withhold is zero. When applying for ABN registration (Note: with effect from 01 July 2011 you may not apply for an ABN or register a business using an ELS form. The application should be made on the Australian Business Register (ABR) site):

  • If you are not an Australian resident and are not entitled to an ABN but are still required to withhold amounts from payments you make, you will be issued with a withholding payer number (WPN).

  • If a business entity is entitled to an ABN but does not wish to apply for one, a WPN is issued.

  • If the entity is not entitled to an ABN - that is, they are not carrying on an enterprise, they should complete an Application to register a PAYG withholding account (and issue a withholding payer number) form (NAT 3377). Refer to Application to register a PAYG withholding account.

Also refer to the ATO website for Withholding Events.

ACNThe Australian Company Number is only required for those taxpayers who are not registered for GST. If an ACN is entered, it must be valid.
Contact Numbers(AE series 6 & 8) These numbers are private and personal telephone and other communication numbers for the taxpayer.
Office Index The Office index allows the practice up to 10 alpha/numeric characters to identify certain information that is common across the practice. This is a very powerful reporting tool. For full details on how to use this feature refer to Mask Facility
BAS payerClick [F10] to select the code that represents the frequency of lodging Business Activity Statements. This field is used for reporting purposes.
IAS payerClick [F10] to select the code that represents the frequency of lodging Instalment Activity Statements. This field is used for reporting purposes.
BAS/IAS received byClick [F10] to select the code that indicates how the BAS or IAS is received by your client, either by ELS, Internet or Paper. This field is used for reporting purposes.
Return lodged via

This field records how the return was lodged, either via ELS (E) or on Paper (P). The default is E.

When editing a return that is to be lodged electronically the Tax Navigation Bar displays the code E before the Form type (e.g. EC, EI, EF etc.). For returns that are not going to be lodged via ELS the Navigation Bar shows only a single character code for the return omitting the E.

Security Level:(AE, Series 6 & 8) This refers to the permission level that staff must have to view and edit any part of this taxpayer's affairs.
PDF Password

When adding a new return to your Tax ledger the PDF Password is set to be the same as the Return code. You may change or remove the password as required. For more information on the PDF Encryption policy for the practice refer to the Control Record Defaults and for you as an agent refer to Agent Defaults.

The PDF password will be applied to the PDF copy of the return, if the encryption policy stipulates that:

  • a password is always used or

  • the user is prompted to apply a password and the user selects yes.

When a password is applied to a PDF anyone wishing to view the PDF copy of the return must provide the password to open the file. For information on Tax Office copy PDF refer to PDF Wizard.

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