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Names and Addresses Tips

Accountants Enterprise with Tax only

Practice Manager users record the client details using the Create Client/Contact wizard and maintains these details on the client Main and Addresses tabs in PM.

Storing Names and Addresses in Tax or CDS

Names and addresses may be stored in CDS or in Tax only.

Choosing to store data in CDS means that it is available for selection in any applicable part of any return attached to the same client, and may also be shared within CDS to other clients and thus their returns. Name and address data may also be updated directly in CDS without affecting any lodged return, allowing changes of address to be made at the time they occur, ready for roll over to the next tax year, when the unlodged status of the new return allows the immediate update to the new information.

Choosing to store data in Tax means it is stored only for that point on that return. It is not available to share or copy anywhere else. This means that changing this information affects no other area in Tax or CDS. Access to this information for Tax purposes is faster.

Changing Storage Location:

It is possible to use a mix of Tax and CDS storage for different names and addresses.

Changing the control record default in Tax applies only to information added after the change is made, and does not prevent the transfer of any name or address from one storage place to the other via the Name and Address Organiser.

Utilities are available for use if you wish to change the storage location of all your names and addresses, but these should be used only after careful consideration of the type of business carried out by the Practice.

Edit names and addresses

The Edit names and addresses in schedules default, if selected, allows the editing of names or addresses directly when in a schedule or front cover of a return.

If this default is not activated, at an address or name field during return or schedule data entry, enter information using the Select option. From the CDS Select Name or Select Address index, a name may be chosen.

There are two places in Tax where this default can be activated:

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