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Pre-filling into Tax

After downloading the pre-fill report, you can use the downloaded information to pre-fill into Tax.

Existing pre-fill information in a tax return will be overwritten.

To pre-fill into Tax
  1. Select the tax return you want to pre-fill.

    The return should have a Pre-fill Status of “Ready for Pre-fill”. You will not be able to select the return if:
    • the return is currently downloading or pre-filling

    • the Return Name, Client Code, Agent, or TFN is blank

    • the Agent is not onboarded.

  2. Click Pre-fill into Tax in the Tasks bar. You will see a notification message depending on the status of your selected returns. See the Pre-fill notification message matrix below for more information.

  3. Click Yes to proceed, or No to close the dialog and resolve the issue. The Pre-fill Status changes to Pre-filling. When the pre-fill is finished, the Pre-fill Status changes to Pre-fill Complete, and the Date Pre-filled changes to today’s date.

    If there are any issues during the pre-fill process, an error message will display with a link. See Pre-fill errors.

  4. Click the Return Name link. The tax return opens.

  5. In Tax, press F3 to validate the tax return and review the pre-fill data before completing and lodging. The Validation summary window displays fields that have been pre-filled and any errors that need to be resolved.

Pre-fill notification message matrix

Pre-fill Status

Tax return status

Message (single return)

Message (multiple returns)

Actions you can take (single return)Actions you can take (multiple returns)
Ready to pre-fill (return not yet rolled forward)
Any status other than Completed
Selected return is not rolled forward yet. Do you want to roll forward and pre-fill now?
X of your Y selected returns are not rolled forward yet.
Choose "Yes" to roll forward and pre-fill all returns, "Skip" to skip returns not rolled forward and pre-fill the rest, "No" to cancel the pre-fill.
You can choose to roll forward and pre-fill.
For those returns not yet rolled forward, you can choose to:
  • Roll forward and pre-fill all returns
  • Skip the returns that are not yet rolled forward
  • Cancel the pre-fill.
Ready to pre-fill (return rolled forward)
Any status other than Completed
Pre-fill return for (tax return name)?
Pre-fill returns for X clients?
Confirm that you want to pre-fill this return.
Confirm that you want to pre-fill the selected returns.
Pre-fill complete
(one or multiple returns, and all returns can be pre-filled)
Any status other than Completed
(Tax return name) has already been pre-filled. Do you want to pre-fill and overwrite the return?
X of Y selected returns have already been pre-filled. Do you want to pre-fill and overwrite these returns?
Confirm that you want to overwrite the pre-fill data.
Confirm that you want to overwrite the pre-fill data in the selected returns.
Pre-fill error (none previously pre-filled)
Any status other than Completed
Pre-fill return for (return name)?
Pre-fill returns for X clients?
Confirm that you want to pre-fill this return.
Confirm that you want to pre-fill the selected returns.
Pre-fill error (some or all returns previously pre-filled)
Any status other than Completed
(Tax return name) has already been pre-filled. Do you want to overwrite it?
X of Y selected returns have already been pre-filled. Do you want to pre-fill and overwrite these returns?
All X selected returns have already been pre-filled. Do you want to pre-fill and overwrite these returns?
Confirm that you want to overwrite the pre-fill data.
Confirm that you want to overwrite the pre-fill data in the selected returns.
Multiple statuses, including Ready to Pre-fill and Pre-fill Error (but not previously pre-filled)
Any status other than Completed


Pre-fill returns for X clients?
Confirm that you want to pre-fill the selected returns.
Multiple statuses, including:
Ready to Pre-fill and/or Pre-fill error (not successfully pre-filled)
Pre-filled and/or Pre-fill Error (previously successfully pre-filled)
Any status other than Completed


X of your Y selected returns have already been pre-filled. Do you want to pre-fill and overwrite these returns?
Confirm that you want to overwrite the pre-fill data in the selected returns.
Multiple statuses, but some of the selected returns cannot be pre-filled (for instance, if there was an error when downloading pre-fill data)
Any status other than Completed


X out of Y selected returns can be pre-filled. Do you want to pre-fill them?
X out of Y selected returns can be pre-filled. X of these have already been pre-filled. Do you want to pre-fill and overwrite these returns?
X out of Y selected returns can be pre-filled. These have already been pre-filled. Do you want to pre-fill and overwrite these returns?
Confirm that you want to pre-fill (and overwrite, if applicable) the returns that can be pre-filled.

Deleting pre-filled data in a tax return

If you don't want to use the pre-filled data, Deleting Schedules.


Pre-fill data cannot be edited in a schedule. Pre-filled values in the return properties can be edited, and their Pre-filled label will be removed afterwards.

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