N200 - N299
For the list of PDF files showing ATO tags click Lodgable returns forms and schedules.
Printing report - Format should be in dd/mm/yyyy.
Printing report - If ^BJY is null, print it as '****'.
Printing report - Full wording of the code as specified in A03_reps.doc for ^BKD should be printed.
Printing report - If ^BKE has a value of one, print it as 'CY DMD'.
Printing Report - ^BJV is only printed when ^BJU has a value of 'I'.
The 'from' date (^DTX, ^DUP) of any time period must not be earlier than the beginning of the income year specified in Item 6 and if completed, the election commencement time at Item 7.
The election commencement time (^DUR) is only to be completed if the trust did not satisfy the family control test at all times during the specified income year. The election commencement time must not be earlier than the first day of the income year or substituted accounting period entered at Item 6.
'A' - add bank account and/or payment details.
'C' - cancel an EFT authority.
The name of the trustee or partner signing the declaration must appear exactly as it is entered for the trustee or partner name, respectively, at item 6.
The election commencement time for the interposed entity election (^DWU) is only to be completed if the income year specified in the interposed entity election is the current year and the trust, company, partnership or self-managed superannuation fund did not satisfy the family control test at all times during that specified income year from the specified day. The election commencement time must not be earlier than the specified day entered at Item 7.
If the due date falls on a weekend or national public holiday, the payment date must be no later than the last available working day prior to the due date.
The valid values are:
'M' - Monthly activity statement
'Q' - Quarterly activity statement.
The valid codes are:
'22' - Current business structure not continuing
'30' - Change in fringe benefits for employees
'31' - Change in employees with fringe benefits
'32' - Fringe benefits rebate now claimed.
Please estimate the time (in hours and minutes) you took to complete your activity statement. Include the time actually spent reading the instructions, working on the questions and obtaining the information, and time spent by all employees in collecting and providing the information.
This field is the identifier the client/business uses for tax interactions with the Tax Office. It must contain the number that appeared on the
Payment/Remittance Advice;
Individual Tax Assessment;
Business Activity Statement.
It can be up to 11 digits in length and must be keyed as printed on the supplied stationary. The details acceptable in this field are File Number (TFN), Role Id or Australian Business Number (ABN).
Instalment income is the gross ordinary income derived in the quarter that is assessable income for that income year. Some examples are gross sales, fees for services, interest paid or credited to a bank account, gross rent and royalties. Please refer to the relevant instructions for exclusions and special rules for superannuation trustees, partners and beneficiaries of the trusts.
This is a pre-printed figure on your Activity Statement. This may be the Commissioner instalment rate or an instalment rate chosen by you in a previous quarter. You may use this instalment rate if it reflects your tax liability for the current year.
Complete this field only if you feel that using the Commissioner or your chosen instalment rate will result in you paying more than your expected tax liability for the year. You can only vary your instalment rate once per instalment.
This is a pre-printed figure for payers who do not wish to calculate their exact PAYG income tax instalment amount. If you choose to pay your instalments using your pre-printed instalment amount, you cannot revert to paying your instalments based on the instalment rate until the next income year.
Complete this field only if you intend to vary the Tax Office instalment amount at tag ^EGA.
Complete this field only if you intend to vary your pre-printed Tax Office instalment amount and have completed the estimated tax for the year at ^EGB. Your varied instalment amount is a quarterly instalment of your estimated tax for the year.
Valid values are:
'CL' - Client List
'CS' - Client Lodgment Statistic
'AS' – Activity Statement Client List.
Note - This transaction will only add/delete clients for the purposes of receiving Activity Statements.
This address will be used as the service of notice for paper Business Activity Statements, Instalment Activity Statements and associated mail-outs.
This question is required if you are deleting an existing client or requesting to receive or cease receiving electronic Activity Statements. If the client wishes to only update the clients address for service of notices, answer 'Y' to this question and 'N' to all other questions.
Is the total number of clients and an indicator denoting an end of the list for a particular agent. Codes and descriptions are:
0 - no clients for this agent
1..999999 - number of clients
U - System unavailable
X - Agent record not yet confirmed.
Explain why you travelled for work purposes. If claiming domestic or overseas travel at daily rates, provide the calculation
Business loss activity Loss codes are as follows:
0 - Passive investment - partnership;
1 - Assessable income test;
2 - Profits test;
3 - Real property test;
4 - Other assets test;
5 - Commissioner's discretion or farm management repayment that can be offset against primary production loss;
6 - Arts business;
7 - Primary production business;
8 - Loss must be deferred;
'D' indicates that the Primary Production income amount includes diesel fuel offset and/or diesel and alternative fuels grant.
'D' indicates the Non Primary Production income amount includes diesel fuel offset and/or diesel and alternative fuels grant.
Payment Type codes are as follows:
'V' - voluntary agreement
'S' - labour hire or other specified payments
'N' - no ABN
'A' - attributed Personal Services Income
'F' - Foreign resident withholding.
Entity income type:
P = Partnership
T = Trust