V2600 - V2699
Thin capitalisation question incorrect
Edit Test | ^JWC # 'Y' and ^JWD # Null |
Explanation | If Thin capitalisation information has been completed for arm's length debt (non-ADI) or capital (ADI) amount then the response to 'Did you rely on arm's length tests?' must be 'Yes'. |
Form Type | I |
Thin capitalisation information required
Edit Test | ^JWC = 'Y' and ^JWD = Null |
Explanation | If there is a 'Yes' response to 'Did you rely on arm's length tests?' then arm's length debt (non-ADI) or capital (ADI) amount must be completed. |
Form Type | I |
Thin capitalisation question incorrect
Edit Test | ^JWE # 'Y' and (^JWF # NULL or ^JWG # NULL or ^JWH # NULL or ^JWI # NULL or ^JWJ # NULL or ^KHD # NULL or ^KHE # NULL) |
Explanation | If Thin capitalisation information has been completed for worldwide gearing debt/capital tests then the response to 'Did you rely on worldwide gearing debt/capital tests?' must be 'Yes'. |
Form Type | I |
Thin capitalisation information required
Edit Test | ^JWE = 'Y' and ^JWF = NULL and ^JWG = NULL and ^JWH = NULL and ^JWI = NULL and ^JWJ = NULL and ^KHD = NULL and ^KHE = NULL |
Explanation | If there is a 'Yes' response to 'Did you rely on worldwide gearing debt/capital tests?' then all applicable worldwide gearing debt/capital test information must be completed. |
Form Type | I |
Incorrect entity type code
Edit Test | (^JWF > 0 or ^JWG > 0) and ^JUW # 7 |
Explanation | If 'Worldwide group capital ratio' or 'Worldwide capital amount' are greater than zero then the entity type at the end of the income year must be 7. |
Form Type | I |
Incorrect entity type code
Edit Test | (^JWH > 0 or ^JWI > 0 or ^JWJ > 0) and ^JUW # [1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10] |
Explanation | If 'Worldwide debt', 'Worldwide equity' or 'Worldwide gearing debt amount' are greater than zero then the entity type at the end of the income year must be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 or 10. |
Form Type | I |
Incorrect entity type code
Edit Test | (^KHD > 0 or ^KHE > 0) and ^JUW # [3,4,5,6,9,10] |
Explanation | If 'Non-ADI - statement worldwide assets' or 'Non-ADI - average Australian assets' are greater than zero then the entity type at the end of the income year must be 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 or 10. |
Form Type | I |
Financial services entities information not required
Edit Test | ^JWK = 'N' and (^JWL # Null or ^JWM # Null or ^JWN # Null or ^JWO # Null) |
Explanation | If there is a 'No' response to 'Are you a foreign bank or other qualifying financial entity that has not elected out of Part IIIB of the ITAA 1936?' then amounts under sections 160ZZZ, 160ZZZA or 160ZZZJ should not be completed. |
Form Type | I |
Financial services entities information required
Edit Test | ^JWK = 'Y' and ^JWL = Null and ^JWM = Null and ^JWN = Null and ^JWO = Null |
Explanation | If there is a 'Yes' response to 'Are you a foreign bank or other qualifying financial entity that has not elected out of Part IIIB of the ITAA 1936?' then amounts under sections 160ZZZ, 160ZZZA or 160ZZZJ must be completed. |
Form Type | I |
Financial services entities information not required
Edit Test | ^JWP = 'N' and (^JWQ # NULL or ^JWR # NULL or ^JWS # NULL or ^JWT # NULL or ^JWU # NULL or ^JWV # NULL or ^JWW # NULL or ^JWX # NULL or ^JWY # NULL or ^JWZ # NULL or ^JXA # NULL or ^JXB # NULL or ^JXC # NULL or ^JXD # NULL or ^JXE # NULL or ^JXF # NULL or ^JXG # NULL or ^JXH # NULL or ^JXI # NULL or ^JXJ # NULL or ^JXK # NULL or ^JXL # NULL or ^JXM # NULL or ^JXN # NULL or ^KHO # NULL or ^KHP # NULL or ^KHQ # NULL or ^JXO # NULL or ^JXP # NULL or ^JXQ # NULL or ^JXR # NULL or ^JXY # NULL or ^JXZ # NULL or ^JYA # NULL or ^JYB # NULL) |
Explanation | If there is a 'No' response to 'Were you an offshore banking unit (OBU) or the head company of a consolidated group that included an OBU?' then assessable OB income, net OB income/loss, assessable OB income from related parties or eligible fraction of foreign income tax on OB income claimed under division 770 should not be completed. |
Form Type | I |
Financial services entities information required
Edit Test | ^JWP = 'Y' and ^JWQ = NULL and ^JWR = NULL and ^JWS = NULL and ^JWT = NULL and ^JWU = NULL and ^JWV = NULL and ^JWW = NULL and ^JWX = NULL and ^JWY = NULL and ^JWZ = NULL and ^JXA = NULL and ^JXB = NULL and ^JXC = NULL and ^JXD = NULL and ^JXE = NULL and ^JXF = NULL and ^JXG = NULL and ^JXH = NULL and ^JXI = NULL and ^JXJ = NULL and ^JXK = NULL and ^JXL = NULL and ^JXM = NULL and ^JXN = NULL and ^KHO = NULL and ^KHP = NULL and ^KHQ = NULL and ^JXO = NULL and ^JXP = NULL and ^JXQ = NULL and ^JXR = NULL and ^JXY = NULL and ^JXZ = NULL and ^JYA = NULL and ^JYB = NULL |
Explanation | If there is a 'Yes' response to 'Were you an offshore banking unit (OBU) or the head company of a consolidated group that included an OBU?' then assessable OB income, net OB income/loss, assessable OB income from related parties or eligible fraction of foreign income tax on OB income claimed under division 770 must be completed. |
Form Type | I |
Offshore banking unit adjustment required
Edit Test | ^JWP = 'Y' and ^BMQ = Null |
Explanation | If there is a 'Yes' response to 'Were you an offshore banking unit (OBU) or the head company of a consolidated group that included an OBU?' (Question 41 Label A) on the IDS then Offshore banking unit adjustment (Item 7 Label P) must be completed (zero is acceptable) on the company return form. |
Form Type | EC I |
Incorrect response for an OBU
Edit Test | ^BMQ # Null and ^JWP = 'N' |
Explanation | If Offshore banking unit adjustment (Item 7 Label P) has been completed (including zero) on the company return form then there must be a 'Yes' response at 'Were you an offshore banking unit (OBU) or the head company of a consolidated group that included an OBU?' (Question 41 Label A) on the IDS, and the relevant labels in Question 41 must be completed. |
Form Type | EC I |
Incorrect response for an OBU
Edit Test | ^JWN > 0 and ^JWP = 'N' |
Explanation | If 'Notional amount of interest taken to be paid under section 160ZZZA attributable to OB activities of OBUs' is greater than zero then there must be a 'Yes' response at 'Were you an offshore banking unit (OBU) or the head company of a consolidated group that included an OBU?' and the relevant labels in Question 41 must be completed. |
Form Type | I |
OB income required
Edit Test | ^JWP = 'Y' and (^JXY = Null or ^JXZ = Null or ^JYB = Null) |
Explanation | If there is a 'Yes' response to 'Were you an offshore banking unit (OBU) or the head company of a consolidated group that included an OBU?' then Total assessable OB income less Total OB deductions - assessable OB income, Total assessable OB income less Total OB deductions - net OB income or loss and Eligible fraction of foreign income tax on OB income claimed under division 770 must be completed. |
Form Type | I |
Assessable OB income from related parties incorrect
Edit Test | (^JWS > ^JWQ) or (^JWV > ^JWT) or (^JWY > ^JWW) or (^JXB > ^JWZ) or (^JXE > ^JXC) or (^JXH > ^JXF) or (^JXK > ^JXI) or (^JXN > ^JXL) or (^KHQ > ^KHO) or (^JXQ > ^JXO) |
Explanation | For each OB activity, if Assessable OB income from related parties has been completed then it must be less than or equal to the Assessable OB income. |
Form Type | I |
Net OB income/loss incorrect
Edit Test | (^JWR > ^JWQ) or (^JWU > ^JWT) or (^JWX > ^JWW) or (^JXA > ^JWZ) or (^JXD > ^JXC) or (^JXG > ^JXF) or (^JXJ > ^JXI) or (^JXM > ^JXL) or (^KHP > ^KHO) or (^JXP > ^JXO) |
Explanation | For each OB activity, if Net OB income/loss has been completed then it must be less than or equal to the Assessable OB income. |
Form Type | I |
Total assessable OB income incorrect
Edit Test | ^JXY # ^JWQ + ^JWT + ^JWW + ^JWZ + ^JXC + ^JXF + ^JXI + ^JXL + ^KHO + ^JXO |
Explanation | If assessable OB income has been completed then the Total assessable OB income less total OB deductions - assessable OB income should equal the sum of amounts at borrowing, lending, guarantee-type, trading, eligible contract, investment, advisory, hedging, leasing and other. |
Form Type | I |
Total net OB income/loss incorrect
Edit Test | ^JXZ # ^JWR + ^JWU + ^JWX + ^JXA + ^JXD + ^JXG + ^JXJ + ^JXM + ^KHP + ^JXP - ^JXR |
Explanation | If net OB income/loss has been completed then the total assessable OB income less total OB deductions - net OB income or loss should equal the sum of amounts at borrowing, lending, guarantee-type, trading, eligible contract, investment, advisory, hedging, leasing and other, less the general OB deduction and apportionable OB deductions. |
Form Type | I |
Total assessable OB income from related parties incorrect
Edit Test | ^JYA # ^JWS + ^JWV + ^JWY + ^JXB + ^JXE + ^JXH + ^JXK + ^JXN + ^KHQ + ^JXQ |
Explanation | If assessable OB income from related parties has been completed then the total assessable OB income less total OB deductions - assessable OB income from related parties should equal the sum of amounts at borrowing, lending, guarantee-type, trading, eligible contract, investment, advisory, hedging, leasing and other. |
Form Type | I |
To accept offer an option must be selected
Edit Test | ^JYG = Null and ^JYH = Null and ^JYN = Null |
Explanation | One of the following options must be selected to accept this offer: Accept the refund offer; or Accept the refund offer but the nominated super fund account is not valid; or Accept the refund offer but do not hold an accumulation interest in any super fund. |
Form Type | EY |
Only one option can be selected
Edit Test | ^JYG = 'Y' and (^JYH = 'Y' or ^JYN = 'Y') |
Explanation | One of the following options must be selected to accept this offer: Accept the refund offer; or Accept the refund offer but the nominated super fund account is not valid; or Accept the refund offer but do not hold an accumulation interest in any super fund. |
Form Type | EY |
Only one option can be selected
Edit Test | ^JYH = 'Y' and (^JYG = 'Y' or ^JYN = 'Y') |
Explanation | One of the following options must be selected to accept this offer: Accept the refund offer; or Accept the refund offer but the nominated super fund account is not valid; or Accept the refund offer but do not hold an accumulation interest in any super fund. |
Form Type | EY |
Only one option can be selected
Edit Test | ^JYN = 'Y' and (^JYG = 'Y' or ^JYH = 'Y') |
Explanation | One of the following options must be selected to accept this offer: Accept the refund offer; or Accept the refund offer but the nominated super fund account is not valid; or Accept the refund offer but do not hold an accumulation interest in any super fund. |
Form Type | EY |
Super fund details must be completed
Edit Test | ^JYG = 'Y' and (^ARC = Null or ^EBN = Null or ^BSD = Null) |
Explanation | Super fund name, ABN and member account number must be completed when accept the refund offer is completed. |
Form Type | EY |
Super fund details not required
Edit Test | ^JYG # 'Y' and (^ARC # Null or ^EBN # Null or ^BSD # Null or ^BSE # Null) |
Explanation | Super fund details should only be completed if accept the refund offer is completed. |
Form Type | EY |
Check excess concessional contributions amount
Edit Test | ^JYE > 10000 |
Explanation | Excess concessional contributions amount must be less or equal to $10,000 |
Form Type | EY |
Reason code and Other super fund name and ABN must be completed
Edit Test | ^JYH = 'Y' and (^JYI = Null or ^JYJ = Null or ^JYK = Null) |
Explanation | If there is a 'Yes' response to 'Accept the refund offer but the nominated super fund account is not valid' then a reason code and Other super fund name and ABN must be completed. |
Form Type | EY |
Reason code and Other super fund details not required
Edit Test | ^JYH # 'Y' and (^JYI # Null or ^JYJ # Null or ^JYK # Null or ^JYL # Null or ^JYM # Null) |
Explanation | A Reason code and Other super fund name, ABN, member account number and member identifier number should only be completed if 'Accept the refund offer but the nominated super fund account is closed' is 'Y'. |
Form Type | EY |
Member identifier cannot be the same as Member account number
Edit Test | ^JYM # Null and ^JYM = ^JYL |
Explanation | Member identifier together with member account number must uniquely identify a member's account number within the superannuation provider. The client identifier is not the member account number. |
Form Type | EY |
Connected and/or affiliated entities - totals from additional table must not be completed
Edit Test | Number of occurrences of (^JLA) < 20 and ^JYP # Null |
Explanation | Connected and/or affiliated entities - totals from additional table must only be completed if there are more than 20 entities to include in the table in Part 3 of the schedule |
Form Type | BY |
Same entity is shown more than once
Edit Test | There is more than one occurrence of the same ^JLA |
Explanation | Each entity may only be listed once in the table in Part 3 of the R&D schedule |
Form Type | BY |
Super fund nominated holds my Tax file Number (TFN) question must be completed
Edit Test | (^JYG = 'Y' or ^JYH = 'Y') and ^JYO = Null |
Explanation | Super fund nominated holds my Tax file Number (TFN) question must be completed if 'Accept the refund offer' or 'Accept the refund offer but the nominated super fund account is closed' is 'Y'. |
Form Type | EY |
Tax offset refunds must be zero
Edit Test | ^JIJ > 0 and ^JIK > 0 |
Explanation | If Subtotal 3 (Label T4) is greater than zero then tax offset refunds (Label I) must be zero. |
Form Type | EC |
Tax offset refunds must be zero
Edit Test | ^JII < ^JIH and ^JIK > 0 |
Explanation | If Refundable tax offsets (Label E) is less than Subtotal 2 (Label T3) then Tax offset refunds (Label I) must be zero. |
Form Type | EF MS |
Personal services income information required
Edit Test | ^GAI = 'Y' and (^JYS = Null or ^JYT = Null or ^JYU = Null or ^JYV = Null) |
Explanation | If the response to the personal services income question is 'Yes' then the personal services income labels A, B, C and D must all be completed. |
Form Type | EC EP ET |
Check response to personal services income question
Edit Test | ^GAI = 'N' and (^JYS # Null or ^JYT # Null or ^JYU # Null or ^JYV # Null or ^JYW # Null or ^JYX # Null or ^JYY # Null) |
Explanation | If the response to the personal services income question is 'No' then the personal services income labels should not be completed. |
Form Type | EC EP ET |
Other refundable tax offsets code absent
Edit Test | ^KAB > 0 and ^KAC = Null |
Explanation | If Other refundable tax offsets is greater than zero the code must be completed. |
Form Type | EI |
Check Other refundable tax offsets amount
Edit Test | ^KAC # Null and (^KAB = Null or ^KAB = 0) |
Explanation | Other refundable tax offsets code is present and the amount of Other refundable tax offsets is not completed or is equal to zero. A code is not required for zero amounts. |
Form Type | EI |
Exemption or rollover code is missing
Edit Test | ^JZE = 'Y' and all occurrences of ^KAF = Null |
Explanation | If a 'Yes' response has been entered at 'Have you applied an exemption or rollover?' then an exemption or rollover code must be completed. |
Form Type | EC EF EI ET MS |
Exemption or rollover code not required
Edit Test | ^JZE = ['N', Null] and any occurrence of ^KAF # Null |
Explanation | If the response to 'Have you applied an exemption or rollover?' is 'No' or is not completed then an exemption or rollover code is not required. |
Form Type | EC EF EI ET MS |
International dealings schedule must be attached
Edit Test | (^ACO > 0 or ^ARX > 0 or ^GGO > 0) and ^XXX # 'I' |
Explanation | Where interest expenses overseas (Item 6 label J) and/or royalty expenses overseas (Item 6 label U) and/or section 46FA deductions for flow-on dividends (Item 7 label C) have been completed International dealings schedule must be attached. |
Form Type | EC I |
Non-refundable R&D tax offset to be utilised in current year is incorrect
Edit Test | ^JLG > ^JLF + ^JZY |
Explanation | Non-refundable R&D tax offset to be utilised in current year cannot be greater than the sum of non-refundable R&D tax offset and non-refundable R&D tax offset carried forward from previous year. |
Form Type | EC |
Non-refundable R&D tax offset carried forward to next year is incorrect
Edit Test | ^JLH # ^JLF + ^JZY - ^JLG |
Explanation | Non-refundable R&D tax offset to be carried forward (item 21 label D) is not equal to non-refundable R&D tax offset (item 21 label A) plus non-refundable R&D tax offset carried forward from previous year (item 21 label B) minus non-refundable R&D tax offset to be utilised in the current year (item 21 label C). |
Form Type | EC |
Feedstock adjustment is incorrect
Edit Test | ^JZZ > 0 and ^JZZ > ^FGE |
Explanation | Feedstock adjustment (item 21 Label W) cannot be greater than other assessable income (item 7 label B). |
Form Type | EC |
Conduit foreign income information incomplete
Edit Test | ^JZI = 'Y' and (^JZJ = Null or ^JZK = Null) |
Explanation | If answered 'Yes' at question "Did you have a conduit foreign income balance and/or distribute amounts of conduit foreign income during the income year?" then the balance of conduit foreign income at year end (Item 42 label B) and conduit foreign income distributed during income year (Item 42 label C) must be greater than or equal to zero. |
Form Type | I |
Check conduit foreign income labels
Edit Test | ^JZI = 'N' and (^JZJ # Null or ^JZK # Null) |
Explanation | If answered 'No' at question "Did you have a conduit foreign income balance and/or distribute amounts of conduit foreign income during the income year?" then the other conduit foreign income labels (Item 42 label B and Item 42 label C) must not be completed. |
Form Type | I |
Unfranked non-portfolio dividend account information not completed
Edit Test | ^JZL = 'Y' and (^JZM = NULL or ^JZN = NULL) |
Explanation | If answered 'Yes' at question "Do you have an unfranked non-portfolio dividend account?" then the balance of unfranked non-portfolio dividend account at year end (Item 43 label B) and the code must be completed. |
Form Type | I |
Unfranked non-portfolio dividend account information not required
Edit Test | ^JZL = 'N' and (^JZM # Null or ^JZN # Null) |
Explanation | If answered 'No' at question "Do you have an unfranked non-portfolio dividend account?" then the balance of unfranked non-portfolio dividend account at year end (Item 43 label B) and the code must not be completed. |
Form Type | I |
Unfranked non-portfolio dividend account code is required
Edit Test | ^JZM # Null and ^JZN = Null |
Explanation | Balance of unfranked non-portfolio dividend account year end is present without Balance of unfranked non-portfolio dividend account year end action code. |
Form Type | I |
Balance of unfranked non-portfolio dividend account is required
Edit Test | ^JZM = Null and ^JZN # Null |
Explanation | The Balance of unfranked non-portfolio dividend account year end action code is present and the amount of Balance of unfranked non-portfolio dividend account year end missing. |
Form Type | I |
DTA Country code is missing
Edit Test | ^JZP > 0 and ^JZQ = Null |
Explanation | If there is an amount greater than zero at interest to financial institution exempt from withholding under a DTA (Label B) then a valid DTA country code must be present. |
Form Type | I |
Interest paid to financial institution exempt from withholding under a DTA is incorrect
Edit Test | ^JZQ # Null and ^JZP <= 0 |
Explanation | If there is a valid DTA country code present then an amount greater than zero must be present at interest paid to financial institution exempt from withholding under a DTA (Label B). |
Form Type | I |
Check exempt interest paid labels
Edit Test | ^JZO = 'Y' and ((^JZP = Null or ^JZP = 0) and (^JZR = Null or ^JZR = 0) and (^JZS = Null or ^JZS = 0)) |
Explanation | If answered 'Yes' at question "Did you pay amounts of interest exempt from withholding tax during the income year?" then the Interest paid to financial institution exempt from withholding under a DTA and/or section 128Fexempt interest paid and/or section 128FA exempt interest paid must be completed. |
Form Type | I |
Exempt interest paid labels should not be completed
Edit Test | ^JZO = 'N' and (^JZP # Null or ^JZR # Null or ^JZS # Null) |
Explanation | If answered 'No' at question "Did you pay amounts of interest exempt from withholding tax during the income year?" then the Interest paid to financial institution exempt from withholding under a DTA and section 128Fexempt interest paid and section 128FA exempt interest paid must not be completed. |
Form Type | I |
Only one CGT schedule may be attached
Edit Test | ^AWR = ['EI','EC','EF','ET','MS'] and there is more than one occurrence of ^XXX = 'BW' |
Explanation | Only one Capital Gains Tax schedule may be attached to a return form. |
Form Type | BW EC EF EI ET MS |
Capital Gains Tax schedule required
Edit Test | ^AWR = ['EF','EI','MS'] and ^AWG > 10000 and ^XXX # 'BW' |
Explanation | When net capital gain is in excess of $10,000 a Capital Gains Tax schedule must be attached. |
Form Type | BW EF EI MS |
Capital Gains Tax schedule required
Edit Test | ^AWR = 'EC' and ^AWG > 10000 and ^HEM # '2' and ^XXX # 'BW' |
Explanation | When net capital gain is in excess of $10,000 a Capital Gains Tax schedule must be attached. |
Form Type | BW EC |
Capital Gains Tax schedule required
Edit Test | ^AWR = 'ET' and ^AWG > 10000 and ^IAH = Null and ^XXX # 'BW' |
Explanation | When net capital gain is in excess of $10,000 a Capital Gains Tax schedule must be attached. |
Form Type | BW ET |
Capital Gains Tax schedule required
Edit Test | ^AWR = 'EI' and ^BQV > 10000 and ^XXX # 'BW' |
Explanation | When current year capital gains (Item 18 Label H) is in excess of $10,000 a Capital Gains Tax schedule must be attached. |
Form Type | BW EI |
Total current year capital gains amount incorrect
Edit Test | ^KBA # (^KAR + ^KAS + ^KAT + ^KAU + ^KAV + ^KAW + ^KAX + ^KAY + ^KAZ) |
Explanation | The total current year capital gains must equal the sum of current year capital gain amounts (Item 1 Labels A to I). |
Form Type | BW |
Check total current year capital gains
Edit Test | ^AWR = 'EI' and ^XXX = 'BW' and ^KBA # ^BQV |
Explanation | The total current year capital gains (Item 1 Label J) on the Capital Gains Tax schedule must be equal to the total current year capital gains (Item 18 Label H) on the Individual return. |
Form Type | BW EI |
Total current year capital losses amount incorrect
Edit Test | ^KBJ # (^KBB + ^KBC + ^KBD + ^KBE + ^KBF + ^KBG + ^KBH + ^KBI) |
Explanation | The total current year capital losses must equal the sum of current year capital loss amounts (Item 1 Labels K to R). |
Form Type | BW |
Total current year capital losses applied is greater than total current year capital losses
Edit Test | ^KBK > ^KBJ |
Explanation | Total current year capital losses applied (Item 2 Label B) cannot be greater than total current year capital losses (Item 2 Label A). |
Form Type | BW |
Total capital losses applied is greater than total current year capital gains
Edit Test | ^KBN > ^KBA |
Explanation | Total capital losses applied (Item 2 Label E) cannot be greater than total current year capital gains (Item 1 Label J). Capital losses can only be applied to reduce the total current year capital gains to zero. Any excess is to be carried forward to later income years. |
Form Type | BW |
Check total current year capital losses applied amount
Edit Test | ^KAY < ^KBH and ^KBK > (^KBB + ^KBC + ^KBD + ^KBE + ^KBF + ^KBG + ^KAY + ^KBI) |
Explanation | If Current year capital losses from collectables (Item 1 Label Q) are greater than Current year capital gains from collectables (Item 1 Label H) then Total current year capital losses applied (Item 2 Label B) must be less than or equal to the sum of Item 1 Labels K to P plus Label H plus Label R. |
Form Type | BW |
Total capital losses applied incorrect
Edit Test | ^KBN # (^KBK + ^KBL + ^KBM) |
Explanation | The total capital losses applied must equal the sum of capital losses applied amounts (Item 2 Labels B, C and D). |
Form Type | BW |
Net capital losses carried forward incorrect
Edit Test | ^XXX = 'BW' and (^KBO + ^KBP) # ^BRA |
Explanation | The sum of unapplied net capital losses carried forward (Item 3 Labels A and B) on the Capital Gains Tax schedule must equal net capital losses carried forward (Label V) on the main income tax return. |
Form Type | BW EC EF EI ET MS |
Total small business concessions applied incorrect
Edit Test | ^KBU # (^KBR + ^KBS + ^KBT) |
Explanation | The total small business concessions applied must equal the sum of CGT concessions for small business amounts (Item 5 Labels A to C). |
Form Type | BW |
Net capital gain amount incorrect
Edit Test | (^KBA # Null or ^KBN # Null or ^KBQ # Null or ^KBU # Null) and ((^KBA - ^KBN - ^KBQ - ^KBU) <= 0 and ^KBV # 0) |
Explanation | The net capital gain amount (Item 6 Label A) must be equal to zero if the Total current year capital gains (Item 1 Label J) less Total capital losses applied (Item 2 Label E) less Total CGT discount applied (Item 4 Label A) less Total small business concessions applied (Item 5 Label D) is less than or equal to zero. |
Form Type | BW |
Net capital gain amount incorrect
Edit Test | (^KBA - ^KBN - ^KBQ - ^KBU) > 0 and ^KBV # (^KBA - ^KBN - ^KBQ - ^KBU) |
Explanation | The net capital gain amount (Item 6 Label A) must be equal to the Total current year capital gains (Item 1 Label J) less Total capital losses applied (Item 2 Label E) less Total CGT discount applied (Item 4 Label A) less Total small business concessions applied (Item 5 Label D). |
Form Type | BW |
Net capital gain amount in return incorrect
Edit Test | ^XXX = 'BW' and ^AWG # ^KBV |
Explanation | The net capital gain amount on the main return form must equal the net capital gain amount (Item 6 Label A) on the Capital Gains Tax schedule. |
Form Type | BW EC EF EI ET MS |
Other net capital losses carried forward to later income years invalid
Edit Test | ^AWR = ['EF','EI','ET','MS'] and ^KBP > 0 and ^KBV > 0 |
Explanation | If net capital gain (Item 6 Label A) is greater than zero there cannot be an amount at Other net capital losses carried forward to later income years (Item 3 Label B). |
Form Type | BW EF EI ET MS |
Other net capital losses carried forward to later income years invalid
Edit Test | ^HEM # 1 and ^KBP > 0 and ^KBV > 0 |
Explanation | If net capital gain (Item 6 Label A) is greater than zero there cannot be an amount at Other net capital losses carried forward to later income years (Item 3 Label B). |
Form Type | BW EC |
The earnout arrangement year and total number of years must be completed
Edit Test | Any occurrence of (^KBW = 'B' and (^KBX = Null or ^KBY = Null)) |
Explanation | If 'Are you a party to an earnout arrangement?' has been answered as 'buyer', the number of years the arrangement will run and the year of the arrangement that you are in must be completed. |
Form Type | BW |
Earnout arrangements information incomplete
Edit Test | Any occurrence of (^KBW = 'S' and (^KBX = Null or ^KBY = Null or ^KBZ = Null or ^KCA = Null)) |
Explanation | If 'Are you a party to an earnout arrangement?' has been answered as 'seller' then all earnout arrangement items must be completed. |
Form Type | BW |
Earnout arrangement year is greater than the number of years the earnout arrangement will run for
Edit Test | Any occurrence of (^KBY > ^KBX) |
Explanation | The year of the arrangement that you are in must not be greater than the number of years the earnout arrangement will run for. |
Form Type | BW |
Small business 15 year exemption code missing
Edit Test | ^KCB > 0 and ^KCC = Null |
Explanation | An amount has been entered at 'Small business 15 year exemption - exempt capital gains' (Item 8 Label A) and the exemption code is missing. |
Form Type | BW |
Small business 15 year exemption code not required
Edit Test | (^KCB = Null or ^KCB = 0) and ^KCC # Null |
Explanation | If the 'Small business 15 year exemption - exempt capital gains' (Item 8 Label A) is zero or not completed the exemption code is not required. |
Form Type | BW |
Small business active asset reduction amount required
Edit Test | ^AWR = ['EC','EF','EI','ET','MS'] and ^XXX = 'BW' and any occurrence of ^KAF = 'A' and ^KBR = NULL |
Explanation | If a CGT exemption or rollover code value 'A' has been completed on the main return form, indicating that the small business active asset reduction has been applied, then the small business active asset reduction (Item 5 Label A) on the CGT schedule must be completed. |
Form Type | BW EC EF EI ET MS |
Small business retirement exemption amount required
Edit Test | ^AWR = ['EC','EF','EI','ET','MS'] and ^XXX = 'BW' and any occurrence of ^KAF = 'B' and ^KBS = NULL |
Explanation | If a CGT exemption or rollover code value 'B' has been completed on the main return form, indicating that the small business retirement exemption has been applied, then the small business retirement exemption (Item 5 Label B) on the CGT schedule must be completed. |
Form Type | BW EC EF EI ET MS |
Small business rollover amount required
Edit Test | ^AWR = ['EC','EF','EI','ET','MS'] and ^XXX = 'BW' and any occurrence of ^KAF = 'C' and ^KBT = NULL |
Explanation | If a CGT exemption or rollover code value 'C' has been completed on the main return form, indicating that the small business rollover has been applied, then the small business rollover (Item 5 Label C) on the CGT schedule must be completed. |
Form Type | BW EC EF EI ET MS |
Small business 15 year exemption amount required
Edit Test | ^AWR = ['EC','EF','EI','ET','MS'] and ^XXX = 'BW' and any occurrence of ^KAF = 'D' and ^KCB = NULL |
Explanation | If a CGT exemption or rollover code value 'D' has been completed on the main return form, indicating that the small business 15 year exemption has been applied, then the small business 15 year exemption exempt capital gains (Item 8 Label A) on the CGT schedule must be completed. |
Form Type | BW EC EF EI ET MS |
Capital gains disregarded by a foreign resident amount required
Edit Test | ^AWR = ['EC','EI','ET','MS'] and ^XXX = 'BW' and any occurrence of ^KAF = 'E' and ^KCD = NULL |
Explanation | If a CGT exemption or rollover code value 'E' has been completed on the main return form, indicating that the foreign resident CGT exemption has been applied, then the capital gains disregarded by a foreign resident (Item 8 Label B) on the CGT schedule must be completed. |
Form Type | BW EC EI ET MS |
Capital gains disregarded as a result of a scrip for scrip rollover amount required
Edit Test | ^AWR = ['EC','EF','EI','ET','MS'] and ^XXX = 'BW' and any occurrence of ^KAF = 'F' and ^KCE = NULL |
Explanation | If a CGT exemption or rollover code value 'F' has been completed on the main return form, indicating that the scrip for scrip rollover has been applied, then the capital gains disregarded as a result of a scrip for scrip rollover (Item 8 Label C) on the CGT schedule must be completed. |
Form Type | BW EC EF EI ET MS |
Capital gains disregarded as a result of an inter-company asset rollover amount required
Edit Test | ^AWR = 'EC' and ^XXX = 'BW' and any occurrence of ^KAF = 'G' and ^KCF = Null |
Explanation | If a CGT exemption or rollover code value 'G' has been completed on the main return form, indicating that the inter-company rollover has been applied, then the capital gains disregarded as a result of an inter-company asset rollover (Item 8 Label D) on the CGT schedule must be completed. |
Form Type | BW EC |
Capital gains disregarded by a demerging entity amount required
Edit Test | ^AWR = ['EC','ET'] and ^XXX = 'BW' and any occurrence of ^KAF = 'H' and ^KCG = Null |
Explanation | If a CGT exemption or rollover code value 'H' has been completed on the main return form, indicating that the demerger exemption has been applied, then the capital gains disregarded by a demerging entity (Item 8 Label E) on the CGT schedule must be completed. |
Form Type | BW EC ET |
Total small business concessions applied incorrect
Edit Test | ^KBU > (^KBA - ^KBN - ^KBQ) |
Explanation | The Total small business concessions applied (Item 5 Label D) cannot exceed current year capital gains remaining after applying capital losses and the CGT discount (Item 1 Label J less Item 2 Label E less Item 4 Label A). |
Form Type | BW |
Company cannot apply the CGT discount
Edit Test | ^AWR='EC' and ^KBQ > 0 and ((^AGK # [07,08] and ^AIC # [63100,62400]) or (^AGK = [07,08] and ^HEM = 1)) |
Explanation | The capital gains tax discount (Item 4 Label A) cannot be claimed by companies that are not life insurance companies (industry code 63100), friendly societies (industry code 62400), corporate unit trusts (company type 7), public trading trusts (company type 8) and cannot be claimed if the entity is head company of a consolidated group. |
Form Type | BW EC |
Total CGT discount applied incorrect
Edit Test | ^AWR = ['EI','ET','EC'] and ^KBQ > ((^KBA - ^KBN)*0.5) + 1 |
Explanation | The Total CGT discount applied (Item 4 Label A) is greater than 50% of the Total current year capital gains (Item 1 Label J) less Total capital losses applied (Item 2 Label E). |
Form Type | BW EC EI ET |
Total CGT discount applied incorrect
Edit Test | ^AWR = 'EC' and (^AIC = [63100,62400]) and ^AGK # [07,08] and ^KBQ > ((^KBA - ^KBN)/3) + 1 |
Explanation | Entity is a life insurance company and the Total CGT discount applied (Item 4 Label A) is greater than 33% of the Total current year capital gains (Item 1 Label J) less Total capital losses applied (Item 2 Label E). |
Form Type | BW EC |
Small business active asset reduction incorrect
Edit Test | ^KBR > ((^KBA - ^KBN - ^KBQ)*0.5) + 1 |
Explanation | The Small business active asset reduction (Item 5 Label A) is greater than 50% of the Total current year capital gains (Item 1 Label J) less Total capital losses applied (Item 2 Label E) less Total CGT discount applied (Item 4 Label A). |
Form Type | BW |
Small business retirement exemption not valid for funds
Edit Test | ^AWR = ['EF','MS'] and ^KBS > 0 |
Explanation | Entity is a fund and has entered an amount at small business retirement exemption (Item 5 Label B) on the CGT schedule. Funds cannot claim the small business retirement exemption. |
Form Type | BW EF MS |
Each exemption or rollover code can only appear once
Edit Test | Any occurrence of ^KAF code occurs more than once |
Explanation | The same exemption or rollover code has been entered more than once. |
Form Type | EC EF EI ET MS |
Total capital losses transferred in applied not required
Edit Test | ^AWR = ['EF','EI','ET','MS'] and ^KBM # NULL |
Explanation | Individuals, super funds and trusts cannot complete Total capital losses transferred in applied (Item 2 Label D) on the CGT schedule. This label applies to companies only. |
Form Type | BW EF EI ET MS |
Enter the correct ETP code at item 4 of the main form.
Edit Test | ^IQS = Null and (^IPN # Null or ^IQR # Null) |
Explanation | Employment termination payments (ETP) code has not been provided at item 4 of the main form and Tax withheld and Taxable component (Label I) have been provided. Correct ETP code must be provided. The ETP code is shown on the PAYG payment summary - employment termination payment or if there is more than one payment summary insert code M and complete an ETP schedule showing details for each payment. |
Form Type | EI |
ETP date of payment and Payer's ABN on the main form are not required.
Edit Test | ^IQS = 'M' and (^IOV # Null or ^IQJ # Null) |
Explanation | The ETP date of payment and Payer's ABN are not required on the main form when the ETP schedule is attached. The date of payment and Payer's ABN for each payment will be sourced off the schedule. |
Form Type | EI |
Private health insurance policy details are incorrect
Edit Test | Any occurrence of (^JZW = ['E','F'] and (^BWU = Null or ^BWV = Null)) |
Explanation | Private health insurance policy Tax claim code is "E" or "F" and Private health insurance policy's Health insurer ID and Membership number are missing. |
Form Type | EI |
Enter the correct Tax claim code
Edit Test | Any occurrence of ^JZW = ['F','A'] and ^BXA > 0 |
Explanation | Number of dependent children at Item IT8 (Label D) is greater than zero, correct Tax claim code must be provided. |
Form Type | EI |
Incorrect Tax claim code or Date of birth used
Edit Test | Any occurrence of ^JZW = 'F' and ((^ABQ <= '0107':((^ABB - 1) - 25))) |
Explanation | Taxpayer is a dependent on the Private health insurance policy, and is 25 or older as at 1 July 2016, Tax claim code or date of birth must be corrected. |
Form Type | EI |
Spouse's details are incomplete
Edit Test | Any occurrence of (^JZW = ['C','D']) and (^ABM = Null or ^BNG = Null or (^BOM = 'Y' and (^BXT # Null or ^BXU # Null)) or (^BOM # 'Y' and (^BXT = Null or ^BXU = Null)) or ^DIL = Null or ^BXA = Null) |
Explanation | If private health insurance policy's tax claim code is C or D spouse's name, date of birth (Label K), full year (Label L) or part year (Labels M and N) and spouse's taxable income (Label O) and number of dependent children must be provided. |
Form Type | EI |
Spouse's details must be provided
Edit Test | Any occurrence of ^JZW = 'E' and (^ABM = Null or ^BNG = Null or (^BOM = 'Y' and (^BXT # Null or ^BXU # Null)) or (^BOM # 'Y' and (^BXT = Null or ^BXU = Null))) |
Explanation | Private health insurance policy, Tax claim code is E, Spouse's name, Date of Birth, Full year (Label L) or part year (Labels M and N) all must be provided. |
Form Type | EI |
Incorrect Tax claim code(s)
Edit Test | Any occurrence of ^JZW = 'D' and ((there is not an occurrence of ^JZW = 'C' with matchingValues of ^BWU and ^BWV) or (the number of (^JZW = 'D') # the number of (^JZW = 'C') with matchingValues of ^BWU and ^BWV)) |
Explanation | Private health insurance policy has an entry with Tax claim code ‘D’ then there must be a matching entry with Tax claim code ‘C’. The number of lines with tax claim code ‘D’ must be equal to the number of lines with tax claim code ‘C’ for a particular policy. |
Form Type | EI |
Employment termination payment (ETP) Tax withheld and taxable component must be entered
Edit Test | ^IQS # Null and (^IPN = Null or ^IQR = Null) |
Explanation | When a value is entered at 'Employment termination payment (ETP) code field then Tax withheld and taxable component (Label I) must be completed. |
Form Type | EI |
Employment termination payment (ETP) details must be completed
Edit Test | Any occurrence of (^KDF = Null and (^ITW # Null or ^ISB # Null or ^IRV # Null or ^IRU # Null)) |
Explanation | When a value is entered at 'date of payment or tax withheld amount or taxable component or payers Australian business number (ABN)' field then Employment termination payment (ETP) code must be completed. |
Form Type | PY |
Employment termination payment (ETP) details must be completed
Edit Test | Any occurrence of (^KDF # Null and (^ITW = Null or ^ISB = Null or ^IRV = Null or ^IRU = Null)) |
Explanation | When a value is entered at 'Employment termination payment (ETP) code field then date of payment, tax withheld amount, taxable component and payers Australian business number (ABN) details must be completed. |
Form Type | PY |
Lump sum payment code is required.
Edit Test | Any occurrence of (^KDB > 0 and ^KDC = Null) |
Explanation | Lump sum payment code must be present if Lump sum payment amount present. |
Form Type | MS |