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Create a brand new MYOB Ledger

Did you know? If you have an existing MAS, Accounts or AO Classic General Ledger for your client, you can move this data to MYOB Ledger? Check out Move your data to MYOB Ledger for details.

Choose a chart of accounts template

We've provided a standard chart for each entity type and each MYOB legacy product. These are in the form of a .CSV file located in the following subfolders of the Client Accounting Templates folder:

  • Practice Charts: Where you store your practice's custom chart of accounts templates in .CSV format.

  • MYOB Standard Charts: Contains the predefined chart of accounts for the MAS, Accounts and AO Classic General Ledger products and entity types.

Customising or creating charts of accounts

Optionally, you can create customised charts of accounts instead of using MYOB defaults. Using the files in the MYOB Standard Charts folder, you can either alter a chart based on an MYOB template, or start from scratch with a blank file. For example, you may want to remove accounts that are not applicable for your practice.

To prevent your changes from being overwritten when performing an MYOB update, we recommend copying the .CSV template from the MYOB Standard Charts folder into the Practice Charts folder, rather than altering the .CSV in the MYOB Standard Charts folder.

To create a new ledger
  1. Open a client and go to the Client Accounting > Trial Balance/Workpapers tab (it's called the Workpapers tab if you are licensed for Workpapers).

  2. On the TASKS bar, click Create new AE/AO Ledger.

  3. In the Create Ledger window, enter the ledger name for your client in the Ledger name field.

  4. Select the Chart template by clicking the Browse button [...] and searching for your ledger template file. The Client Accounting Templates folder appears by default.

  5. Confirm the Entity type and Chart type:

    If you have selected a...then...
    MYOB Standard Chartthe Entity Type and Chart Type fields will be automatically filled in
    Practice Chartif the CSV file name is different to the MYOB naming convention, you may need to fill out these fields manually

  6. Enter the Financial year end date. The opening balance date and financial start month are automatically calculated from the financial year end date.

  7. Review the values in System Account Mapping, and modify any values if required. The mapped account code values displayed here vary depending on the entity and chart type. If you selected an MYOB Standard Chart, the values are defined by MYOB. If any account codes in the System Account Mapping are also in the CSV file, the account codes are created as System Accounts.

  8. Click OK. The MYOB Ledger is configured.

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