Error messages
Error Message | Explanation and Resolution |
Page Not Found The requested resource doesn’t exist. | The information you are searching for may not exist in your database. Check the entered URL and try again with the correct URL. |
We’re Offline On premise service not working. Please check “MYOB Closed Connector” is running.Service Unavailable | You cannot connect to your MYOB AE/AO server. Check that your MYOB AE/AO server on your premise is up and running, then try to access MYOB OnTheGo again. |
You’re Offline If you are reading this, then the MYOB OnTheGo website is up, but the OnTheGo service at your business is not running. Service Unavailable | MYOB OnTheGo is not running on at your practice. Select Start OnTheGo Service from the Start menu of the server where MYOB AE/AO is installed. Then try to access MYOB OnTheGo again. Contact your system administrator if you are still having problems. |
Server Error Sorry, an unexpected error has occurred. Please try again later. | Check that you have set up your Practice my.MYOB Settings and my.MYOB login within MYOB AE/AO. See Setting up MYOB OnTheGo for more information. |
Unable to locate the requested address. Please check a different source. | This error message will appear if you are on the Client Details screen searching for a map and directions to a client’s address. Sometimes the address cannot be located. Try a different search engine to locate a map and directions to the desired address. |
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