MYOB OnTheGo gives you anywhere, anytime read access to existing data in MYOB Accountants Enterprise/Office. You have online real time access to client contact details and key performance measures in tabular and graphical format from any browser enabled device supporting HTML5.
The security and privacy of the information being relayed between your server, the MYOB OnTheGo server, and your smart device is maintained by industry standard internet security measures including SSL encryption, oAuth authentication and the use of security tokens.
The following diagram illustrates how your data is accessed when using MYOB OnTheGo.

Some of the features of MYOB OnTheGo:
easily access a client’s contact details directly from your smart device
simple searching of client details
hyperlinked client contact details that enable you to email or call your client from the Client Search screen and the Client Details screen
client address details incorporate Google Maps so that visits to client sites are hassle free
view the Aged WIP for an individual and the practice to see where your revenue is stalled
(AE) view all WIP entries that have been created and are waiting to be approved and posted.
Supported browsers and platforms
See System Requirements.