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Creating, editing and deleting styles

Accountants Enterprise in Australia only

You can create, edit or delete a Style from within the Formats tab of Report Designer.

To create a new style
  1. Open Report Designer at the same level at which you want to create the new style (i.e., Practice or Client).Your new style will be saved to the level you select here. The Report Designer window opens.

  2. Select the Formats tab.

  3. Open the Format Editor window. The Format Editor window opens in the Design view.

  4. On the Format Editor window toolbar, select the Styles Editor button,

    . The Style Editor window opens.

  5. Click the New Style button,

    . The Reporter window appears ready for you to enter the new style name.

    If you are adding a style at the Practice level, the icon will be yellow.

  6. Type the name for the new style in the edit field and click OK. You will be returned to the Style Editor window and the new style name will be listed. Ensure the new style name is selected in the list.

  7. Work your way through the tabs in the window defining the formatting to be saved in the new style. See Formatting cells for more information.

  8. When all the required formatting has been defined for the style, click Close to save the style and return to the Format Editor window.

To edit a style
  1. Open Report Designer at the same level at which you want the edited style to be saved or at the level the style you want to edit was previously saved (Practice or Client). The Report Designer window opens.
  2. Select the Formats tab.

  3. Open the Format Editor window.

  4. The Format Editor window opens in Design view.

  5. On the Format Editor window toolbar, select the Styles Editor button,

    . The Style Editor window opens.

  6. In the list of styles on the left, highlight the style you want to edit.

  7. Work your way through the tabs in the window editing the formatting of the style to that which you require. See Formatting cells for more information.

  8. When all the required formatting has been defined for the style, click Close to save the style and return to the Format Editor window. The edited style is saved to the level at which Report Designer is currently open.

To delete a style

To delete a style, you'll need to open Reporter Designer in the level the style was created in. For example, if you're deleting a Practice level style, you'll need to be in the Practice-level Report Designer. Similarly, if you're deleting a Client-level style, you'll need to open Report Designer at Client-level, via the Reports > Reporter > Design Client Reports menu within the client general ledger.

Master level styles cannot be deleted.

  1. Open Report Designer at the same level at which the style you want to delete was created (Practice or Client). The Report Designer window opens.
  2. Select the Formats tab.

  3. Open the Format Editor window. The Format Editor window opens in Design view.

  4. On the Format Editor window toolbar, select the Styles Editor button,

    . The Style Editor window opens.

  5. In the styles list box on the left of the window, highlight the style you want to delete.

  6. Click the Delete button,

     on the toolbar. A message will be displayed asking you to confirm your actions.

  7. Click Yes to delete the style. The style is removed from the list

  8. Click Close to save the changes and return to the Format Editor window.

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