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Report properties

Accountants Enterprise in Australia only

Certain properties for a selected report can be viewed and changed within the Properties of <report name> window.

This window is accessed by clicking the Properties button

Report Properties button.gif
for a particular report within the the Reports tab of the Generating Reports window.

The Properties of <report name> window contains the following tabs:


The General tab displays information about the report. The information you can view here covers the following:

TypeWhether it is a Master, Practice or Client level report. See Reporter hierarchy.
Reporting PeriodThe year(s) for which the report is applicable
Entity TypeThe business structure that distinguishes companies, partnerships, trusts and so on.
DescriptionDisplays any notes that were entered by the report designer.
Fontlists the available fonts or the default font can be used. See Setting the font.
Column Templatesthis drop-down enables you to change the column template for the report.
Default Format Column Template(s)contains a list of unique names of all column templates used in any format in the report.
Page Setup

The Page Setup tab is where you define the page orientation required for the selected report when it is previewed or printed. Changes to the default page orientation is for the session only.

See Changing the orientation for generated reports.


You can view and edit the top, bottom, left and right margins for the reports. See Setting the margins for generated reports.


This is where you can apply a watermark that has been previously created. See Adding a watermark to generated reports.

Report Options

The settings specified here are ledger-specific, any changes made will be saved on a per ledger basis. See Setting the report options.

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