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Migrating Accountants Enterprise products accessed through System Release to a new server, share or volume

This support note applies to:

  • AE System Release (NZ)

These instructions require technical expertise

Make sure you know what you're doing and are using one of the products listed. If you're not sure, ask your IT professional or MYOB.

Article ID: 16667

The following article details the steps required to migrate MYOB Accountants Enterprise software to a new server or share/volume.

If you are using a version of System Release prior to version 7.3 you must update to the latest version before migrating.

MYOB provides a Migration Service. If you have any doubts or concerns about completing this migration yourself, contact us to arrange for one of our consultants to complete the migration for you. This service will require a booking, so please plan well in advance.

It is important that someone who is competent with the Microsoft Windows operating system manages the migration.

If you experience issues with MYOB software after following the instructions below, additional assistance on your migration may fall outside of the terms of your Sales and Service Agreement.


Please read completely through these instructions before beginning the migration process.

The steps to migrate Accountants Enterprise products that are accessed through System Release from one Server to another Server are:

1. Ensure new environment is certified by MYOB and other pre-requisites
2. Have reliable backups

MYOB requires you have a complete and reliable backup of all directories, subdirectories and data files for MYOB Accountants Enterprise products that are accessed through System Release before you attempt to move or copy data to your new server. This is a necessary requirement to avoid the possibility of data loss or corruption.

There are a number of ways to back up your program & data files. Some of these methods include:

  • Tape backup;
  • CD or DVD, External Hard disks, USB drives – Make sure read only attribute is removed for all MYOB Accountants Enterprise on the new machine;
  • Server to Server.

The table below lists all Accountants Enterprise products that are accessed through System Release and their default directories that will need to be backed up and copied to your new server environment share directory.


Some of these programs might not be used on your network.

Program Location
System Services and program templates\Sol64
Tax, CDS & PMA applications\Sol63
MAS, AMS, Cashbook & Creditors\S6Client


\S6Client - Reporter will need to be re-installed on each workstation.
OtherAny other folders created for MAS, AMS or Tax.
3. Create the Share directory on the new server environment

Create a directory called S6SYSTEM or AENET on the root directory of the new server. Share this directory with the share name S6SYSTEM or AENET and access option is full access. Sub folders must inherit full access rights also. Make sure all users have been granted full access and permissions to the new S6System or AENET share directory

You should not share the individual directories: \SOL64, \SOL63 and \S6CLIENT but their parent directory S6SYSTEM or AENET.

The S6SYSTEM share is used primarily on Microsoft Networks. Novell Netware environments generally use the Apps, Sys or Data volume.

4. Copy directories to the new server environment

Copy all directories and subdirectories for MYOB Accountants Enterprise products that are accessed through System Release, except the MYOBAE directory, to new server environment share directory.

When you copy these directories, it is important that you copy all sub directories including empty directories, except for the MYOBAE directory, to the new s6system share as the MYOBAE directory contains information specific to the location on which it was originally installed that will prevent the successful registration of the software on the new server.

The table in Step 1 lists all programs and their default directories that will need to be copied to your new Server’s shared directory.

5. Install System Release on new Server

Ensure that any S60.tcf, s60.tnf, s50.tcf or s50.tnf files copied from the old server are deleted from the Sol64\s6 folder prior to reinstalling System Release.

Delete old licence files:

  1. At your Windows Desktop, right-click the Start button and select Explore.
  2. Navigate to and open your S6 folder. For example, X:\SOL64\S6.
  3. Ensure you can view hidden and system files.
  4. Highlight the files named, s50.*or s60.* and delete them.
  5. Highlight the folder named .VID (if present) and delete it.

System Release will need to be installed on new server
The installation file and release notes can be downloaded from

The installation will:

  • Register the S6DB.DLL file to your system registry;
  • Create a New X:\MYOBAE directory (where X denotes your share directory)
  • Install the AERego.exe


Perform Workstation Setup

  1. From the Start menu, select Run.
  2. In the Open field, type X:\sol64\setup\Workstation Setup\setup.exe and click OK, where X: is the drive for your system files.
  3. Click Yes.
  4. Read the Licence Agreement and click Yes to indicate that you accept the terms of the Agreement.
  5. Select the directory where your System Release Server Components are installed and then click Next to continue.
  6. Click Next to install the files.
  7. Click Finish to complete the Workstation Setup.

Workstation Setup will:

  • Create the Start\Programs\MYOB Accountants Enterprise\ with a shortcut to launch System Release.
  • Create the Start\Programs\MYOB Accountants Enterprise\System Release Tools programs group to run the AERego registration utility
  • Copy the S6Graph.fon file to C:\Windows\System32 directory
6. Re-licence the installation from a server or workstation

If you are using a version of System Release prior to version 7.3 you must update to the latest version before MYOB Support can licence your software

  1. Click the Windows Start button and follow the menu path: All Programs > MYOB Accountants Enterprise > System Release Tools > Registration.
  2. Contact us for a registration code.
7. Update System Release folder paths

Each folder that appears in System Release contains a DS6OP020 table of contents file which associates it with the old server. These files need to be deleted prior to updating the folder paths.

Deleting the migrated folder path files:

  1. From the Start menu, select Search.
  2. In the Search for Files or Folders field type DS6OP020 and click Search Now.
  3. Each of the occurrences of the DS6OP020 files appears in the right hand pane.
  4. When the search has completed press CTRL + A, to select all DS6OP020 files and then press DELETE. The files are deleted.

Updating the folder path:

  1. Start System Services.
  2. Right-click a folder in the list and select Properties.
  3. In the Network field amend the server name to the name of the new server.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Repeat steps 2 to 4 for each folder.
8. Reinstall Reporter

You will need to re-install Reporter on each workstation.
Please refer to the Reporter 3.3 Installation Guide.pdf, located on the Reporter 3.3 installation CD in the \Reporter_3.3\Readme directory.

9. Verify your migration was successful

To verify your Migration was successful, open System Release, access your ledgers and check:

TaxCheck the Tax Return list and that you can access a Tax Return. Also go into each TRS year and navigate to Utilities > Control Record > Integration and link each of the Tax Tracking System, Central Database System and E-File System buttons to the correct TTS, CDS and EFS ledger.
CDSCheck the Control Record's Integration tab to ensure ledgers are integrated correctly and the Counters tab to ensure the correct number of clients appear.
PMAPrint a Control report 
MASRun a Trial Balance this will list balances and profits 
AMSRun a Tax or Accounting depreciation schedule 
CashbookRun a Trial Balance
CreditorsPrint the creditors ledger
InsolvencyCheck case details and print a trial balance
ReporterCheck non transaction data

Workstation setup will need to be run on each workstation that accesses MYOB Accountants Enterprise if the drive assignment has been changed.

  1. Remove AE products from Control panel > Programs and Features > Uninstall a program
  2. Disconnect the existing network drive for AE products if any
  3. Reconnect with new server name
  4. Run the workstation setup file. Refer above step 5 workstation setup process for system release.

Run setup file for Reporter from X:\sol64\setup\ReporterIntegratration\setup.exe, where X: is the drive for your system files. Please refer Reporter 3.5 installation guide


Issues that may cause errors after migration

  • The migration instructions have not been followed correctly;
  • A non Certified Environment is used for the new server environment;
  • All users do not have full access permissions to the new S6System share directory or Netware Volume; and
  • You have not copied or moved all directories and subdirectories for MYOB Accountants Enterprise products that are accessed through System Release correctly to the new server environment.

If you experience issues with the software after following these instructions, contacting us for further assistance may be a chargeable service.

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