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Tax pre-fill FAQs and common errors

This support note applies to:

  • AO Tax (AU)
  • AE Tax Series 6 & 8 (AU)
  • AE Tax (AU)
Article ID:28487251

Here you'll find some solutions to download errors and issues for Tax pre-fill, and answers to some common questions.

If you're looking for information on Activity Statements pre-fill, see Getting started with PLS activity statements.

Errors and issues when pre-filling into tax

Pre-fill download errors and issues

Pre-fill status showing as 'Downloading'

  • The pre-fill status may show Downloading if the ATO is down. Wait till the ATO is back up and try the pre-fill again.
  • Restart the SBR Sender Server. Refer to Restarting the MYOB Tax SBR Sender Server.
    If you still have the issue after restarting the SBR Sender Server, contact us for support.

Error downloading the pre-fill report, the network path is not found.
This issue generally occurs after a migration. Check the path where the file is saved from the Report File Settings window.

See Getting started with Tax pre-fill to check the report file settings path.

Access to the path '\\\<servername>\<foldername>' is denied.

Check the following.

  • The file location where the documents are saved doesn't have permissions to Everyone. You may need to update the permissions and sharing on \\<servername>\<foldername> to allow the Everyone user group to have full control. If you need help, check with your IT professional.
  • The SBR Sender Server under Services doesn't have the Administrative login. To check login details:
    1. Enter services.msc the search field and press Enter.
    2. Right-click MYOB Tax SBR Sender Server and select Properties.
    3. In the Log On tab, select This account and enter the username of the Domain Administrator and the password.

Error: "Binary stream '0' does not contain a valid BinaryHeader. Possible causes are invalid stream..."

This error generally occurs if the server hasn't been restarted for more than 2 weeks.

Either restart your server and pre-fill again or close the tax return you are trying to pre-fill and pre-fill again.

Is there still an issue? Contact us for support.

'Object reference not set to an instance of an object' for certain tax returns when prefilling using the ATO Pre-fill report.

This error happens for tax returns where the taxpayer is over 60 years old and has a Superannuation Income Stream payment.

We've fixed this issue in MYOB Tax version 2018.0a. Log in to to download the update.

In the meantime, manually enter the pre-fill data for the Superannuation Income Stream payment item.


What pre-fills into a tax return and ATO availability of the pre-fill data
I want to remove the pre-fill wording when printing a return

This feature is available from version 2018.1 onwards.

Follow the steps below if you want to remove the Pre-fill wording from a tax return.

From within a tax return:

  1. Follow the menu: Utilities > Practice default options > Print options.
  2. Select the Attributes tab > Tick Exclude Pre-fill labels
What do I do if my Pre-fill Manager homepage is missing?

Contact us to fix this issue.

How do I change employee permissions for pre-filling data?

You can restrict or give employees pre-fill access.

  1. Go Maintenance > Security > Task Permissions.
  2. From the Product dropdown, select Tax.
  3. Select the Group you would like to give or restrict permissions.
  4. Under Group Description, click
    Plus icon
    to expand Maintenance
  5. Select Allow for the options you want to give users:
    • Tax - Pre-fill Download & Save
    • Tax - Pre-fill into Tax
    • Tax - Pre-fill Open Report
    • Tax - Pre-fill Report File Settings

  6. Click OK. The user will see the changes when they log out and log back in.
Other FAQs
  • If I delete the PDF copy of a pre-fill report, will it delete the data in the tax return?

No, information already pre-filled won't be impacted if the report deleted.

  • If I import a pre-fill report into a return that's already pre-filled, will it overwrite the data?

Yes, all the already existing pre-fill will be overwritten (lost).

  • Is there an audit trail for pre-filling?

No, we don't have an audit trail for the pre-fill.


What do I do if pre-fill status shows "Downloading"?

If the client has restarted the SBR Sender server and still having the issue, the DLLs in the Service folder under C:\Program Files (x86)\MYOB\SBRSender\Server\ is still an older version. Refer to the Cavalry team for the solution.


Things to check if Pre-fill Manager is missing

The useipsbr.xml and the ipsbrconfig.xsl files located in the MYOBAO\AOSQL\TAX\TAX\<databasename> folder are not up to date.
Rename the existing files, check the Tax version the client is on and copy the file of the same version. Close and re-open framework.


If you need to escalate any of the following issues to SST, make sure you include the data required.



Data to be included when escalating

If the data on the pre-fill report downloaded into AE/AO differs from the pre-fill report on the Tax Agent Portal.

Copy of both pre-fill reports (the one downloaded into AE/AO & the one from the TAP), and the affected clients TFN

Rejection errors for pre-filled returns. The issue is fixed if the pre-filled schedules are deleted and the return is manually keyed.

The pre-fill report downloaded into AE/AO, export of the return and rejection notice

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.