What data pre-fills into Tax?
Tax pre-filling partially completes a tax return with financial information provided by the ATO from:
- government agencies
- private health funds
- financial institutions (interest income)
- companies (dividend income).
Learn more about pre-filling on the ATO website.
Pre-filled data
Salary and wages
Payment summaries for foreign employment income, personal service income and some other payment types isn't pre-filled because of data limitations.
Schedule: Additional PAYG payment summary (egc)
Pre-fill data:
Employer details name and ABN
Gross Payment
Tax withheld
Lump sum A
Lump sum B
Reportable employer super contribution
Schedule: Australian Government allowances and payments worksheet (aga)
Pre-fill data:
Gross Payment Tax Withheld
Schedule: Overseas Pensions/Annuities and Salary Income worksheet (ove)
Pre-fill data:
Exempt foreign employment income
Schedule: Tax withheld - lump sum payments in arrears worksheet (poi)
Pre-fill data:
Lump sum E amount (Income in arrears)
Death benefit ETP paid to a trustee of the deceased estate won't be pre-filled.
Schedule: Employment termination payment for individuals schedule (PY)
Pre-fill data:
Payer name
Payer ABN
Date of payment
Payment code
PAYGW - EMP-Taxable-component
PAYGW - Tax Withheld
Government payment
For pre-fill availability, refer to Government agency data on the ATO website.
Schedule: Additional PAYG payment summary (egc)
Pre-fill data:
Parental Leave/Partner Pay
Gross payment tax withheld
Schedule: Australian Government allowances and payments worksheet (aga)
Pre-fill data:
Government allowance and payments
Gross payment tax withheld
Schedule: Australian Government Pensions and Allowances worksheet (agp)
Pre-fill data:
Government pensions and allowances
Gross payment tax withheld
Schedule: IT3 Tax-free Government pensions worksheet (tgp)
Pre-fill data:
Government tax free pension and allowances
Gross payment tax withheld
Schedule: Tax withheld - lump sum payments in arrears worksheet (poi)
Pre-fill data:
BSWAT lump sum payment in arrears
Gross payment tax withheld
Schedule: Other Income - category 2 worksheet (pov)
Pre-fill data:
Category 2 government payments
Net assessable interest income
Pension – non-super
Schedule: Annuities and superannuation income streams worksheet (asi)
Pre-fill data:
Payer ABN
Payer Name
Gross Payment
Tax withheld
Super income stream
The details to calculate the offset at T2 must be entered manually.
Schedule: Annuities and superannuation income streams worksheet (asi)
Pre-fill data:
Payer Name
Payer ABN
PAYGW - SPN-taxable-component-taxed-element
PAYGW - SPN-taxable-component-untaxed-element
PAYGW - SPN-Lump-Sum-arrears-taxed-element
PAYGW - SPN-Lump-Sum-arrears-untaxed-element
PAYGW - Tax Withheld
Super lump sum
Schedule: Superannuation lump sum schedule (PL)
Pre-fill data:
Payer Name
Payer ABN
SLS - death benefit was made to a non-dependant
SLS - taxable-component-taxed-element
SLS -taxable-component-untaxed-element
PAYGW - Date of payment
PAYGW - Tax Withheld
Bank interest
This is identical to CSV pre-fill.
For pre-fill availability, see Financial institution data (interest income) – short list on the ATO website.
Schedule: Interest Income worksheet (int) - Individuals, Interest Income worksheet (int) - Entites
Pre-fill data:
Financial institution
Account name
Account number
TFN withheld amount
Gross interest
Number of account holders
For some dividends, CGT deduction is also included in the report but isn't pre-filled.
For pre-fill availability, see the ATO Company data (dividend income) – short list page.
Schedule: Gross dividends worksheet (div)
Pre-fill data:
Company name
Exploration credits
Unfranked dividends
Franked dividends
TFN withholding
SRN/HIN number
Account name
Number of account holders
Schedule: Exploration Credits
Pre-fill data:
Exploration credits
Employee Share
Schedule: Employee Share Schemes worksheet (emp)
Pre-fill data:
Employer’s name
Employer’s ABN
Discount from taxed up front schemes - eligible for reduction
Discount from taxed up front schemes - not eligible for reduction
Discount from referral schemes
Discount on ESS interests acquired pre-2009
TFN amounts withheld from discounts
Managed fund
If there are multiple investment owners, the pre-filled amounts will be apportioned. Not all foreign-sourced income is pre-filled because of data entry limitations.
Schedule: Distributions received from trusts worksheet (dit)
Pre-fill data:
Trust name
Non-Primary Production Income Amount
Other Deductions Amount
Franking Credits Amount
TFN Withheld Credit Amount
Credit Tax Paid by Trustee Amount
Credit Foreign Resident Withholding Amount
National Rental Affordability Scheme Tax Offset Amount
Credit Tax Withheld ABN Unquoted Amount
Primary Production - Net income from trusts
Primary Production - Other deductions
Franked distributions from trusts
Capital gains discounted method
Capital gains other method
Exploration credits
Other Income
Share of Foreign Resident Capital Gains Withholding credits
Share of Early-stage investor tax offset
Share of Early-stage venture capital limited partnership (ESVCLP) tax offset
ATO interest
Schedule: Interest Income worksheet (int) - Individuals, Interest Income worksheet (int) - Entites
Pre-fill data:
Interest on overpayments
Interest on early payments
Delayed refund interest
Schedule: Tax withheld - lump sum payments in arrears worksheet (poi)
Pre-fill data:
GIC SIC LPI Credit Amount
Schedule: ATO interest deduction worksheet (pid)
Pre-fill data:
GIC SIC LPI Debit Amount
Private Health Insurance
Claim code isn't pre-filled.
For pre-fill availability, see the ATO Health fund data page.
Schedule: Private health insurance policy details (phi)
Pre-fill data:
Insurer ID
Membership number
Benefit code
Rebate received
Premiums eligible for rebate
Higher Education
Schedule: HECS-HELP, SSL, TSL and SFSS worksheet (hec)
Pre-fill data:
HELP Balance
SFSS Balance
SSL Balance
TSL Balance
Averaging - PP
If the ATO hasn't provided a value for the latest year, Tax won't do the pre-fill. If you don't review the averaging details at Return Properties > Estimate > PP Averaging after pre-fill, pressing F3 gives you a validation error. Click Edit or OK to clear the message.
Schedule: Primary Production Averaging
Pre-fill data:
PP Averaging in the Estimate tab
Averaging - Div 405
If the ATO hasn't provided a value for the latest year, Tax won't do the pre-fill. If you don't review the averaging details at Return Properties > Estimate > Div405 Averaging after pre-fill, pressing F3 gives you a validation error. Click Edit or OK to clear the message.
Schedule: Div 405 Averaging
Pre-fill data:
Div 405 in the Estimate tab