Tax Client - Search lists returns by client for the current year or for the year selected from the Tax Year dropdown. The Tax Client - Search homepage is the standard default homepage. To change this refer to To set the Tax Returns due for Lodgment as your default view.
Print Return - generate a document as described in Printing Returns
Print Schedule - generate a document as described in Schedule Printing
Print Validation Report - print a validation report (Only available from Tax 2014 onwards)
(AE) MAS Integration - this task is available only where there is a licensed installation of Management Accounting System (MAS).
(AE) Amend - create a new copy of a lodged income tax return (EI, EC, EF, EP, ET, MS). To amend a lodged FBT return first open the client’s income tax return (whether or not it is lodged). For information refer to Amending Lodged Returns.
(AO) Amend - create a new copy of a lodged income tax return (EI, EC, EF, EP, ET, MS). To amend a lodged FBT return first open the client’s income tax return (whether or not it is lodged). For information refer to Amending Lodged Returns.
(AE/AO) Delete return - you must confirm that you want to proceed with this action. It will delete the return and its attachments currently highlighted and any standalone forms or schedules for the client such as Activity Statements.
Lodgment Setup - maintain the default lodging agent for the practice, Lodgment Setup. View the following MYOB training video explaining how to Manage ELS or DIS Passwords:
The tasks for Agents and Contacts other than the practice default are:
Agents - maintain Agents other than the default for the practice.
Tax Contacts - maintain Contacts other than the default for the practice.
Locating the Tax client
To use the Search for field to assist you to find the client follow these steps:
Select to search by either:
Name and Code, or
Tax File Number or
In the Search for field type the data you want to match against:
A partial surname may be entered.
The name entered may be all lowercase.
The TFN/ABN may be entered with spaces or without.
If no text is entered all clients will be listed.
Click Search to list the clients that match your search criteria. The clients listed excludes those with returns that are marked ‘Not this year’ or ‘No future return’. This is set at the Return required field the Return Properties, PAYG/Lodge tab. The full list of returns for a client are shown on their Tax Returns Tab.
Sort, group or filter the list to assist in finding your client.
Change the Tax Year to reduce the number of clients listed.
Double-click the client to open tax related data for that client.
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