Individual - Front Cover
Click this link for Completing individual information on your return on the ATO website.
The Front Cover items appear exactly as they are on the printed copy of the return available from the ATO.
Details for the Front Cove are derived from:
- information you've entered for your client,
- Return Properties tabs, and
- what has rolled forward from the prior year.
For information about where integrated data is stored, refer to Names and addresses in tax returns.
Items on this tab
Your tax file number (TFN)
The TFN must be entered in the Return Properties General tab from where it will default to the front cover.
This field is not open to edit in the main return. TFNs must pass the ATO's algorithm. If a TFN is invalid, a system message is displayed.
Are you an Australian resident?
If the taxpayer commenced or ceased residency, you must complete item A2.
If you need help in deciding whether or not a person is an Australian resident for tax purposes, check Are you a resident? on the ATO website to use the determination of residency tool.
Has their residency status changed?
If the taxpayer's residency status for tax purposes changed during the current income year, that is, they were a resident for part of the year you will need to answer yes to this question and complete item A2 of the tax return.
As the tax-free threshold does not apply to non-residents, it is important that the Residency question be answered correctly. All new returns have Residency set to Y as a default.
Overseas students who come to Australia to study and are enrolled in a course that is more than six months long are generally treated as Australian residents for tax purposes. Do NOT select Non-resident simply because a taxpayer ceases residency.
Have you included any attachments?
This field is controlled by Tax. If any item you have completed requires further information to be lodged with the return, such as prior year information on averaging for primary producers or professional sports persons, complete an Other attachments schedule (att). We'll change the answer to Yes and lodge the Other attachments schedule with the return.
Your name
These details are derived from the client records. Refer to Names and addresses in tax returns.
Has your name changed? If any part of the client’s name has changed since the last tax return was lodged, select this checkbox and enter the client’s previous surname.
Your postal address
Your postal address: These details are derived from the client records. For overseas addresses, see Overseas country names for individuals in Names and addresses in tax returns
Has this address changed since completing your last return? If the client’s postal address has changed since the last tax return was lodged, select this checkbox.
Your home address
The Home address must be a street address and not a Post Office or Private Mail Bag address. It should be the current residential address of the taxpayer.
This information defaults from the address for the client as recorded on the Return Properties Mail Tab.
For overseas addresses see Overseas country names for individuals in Names and addresses in tax returns
Your contact details
Your mobile phone: This must be taxpayer’s mobile phone number and not the Agent’s or the Agent’s contact. This field is optional, you can leave it blank.
Your daytime phone number:The daytime area code and phone number of the taxpayer are not mandatory fields. If you enter a number, for overseas telephone numbers, enter country code + region code in the area code field. Don'T enter the Practice's contact's number in this field.
Your email address: This is not a mandatory field. This is the taxpayer’s email address and not the Agent’s or the Agent’s contact.
Your date of birth
As this field is mandatory and must be completed, it will default from the Return Properties Defaults tab. Otherwise it can be keyed directly on the front cover.
The date must be entered in the format dd/mm/ccyy. The century will default to 20, key a hyphen (-) to change it to 19. Refer to Item 4 - Employment termination payments (ETP).
Final Tax return/Date of Death
When you answer Y at the Final tax return field, the Date of death field is opened.
If the tax payer died during the current income year, then enter that date, otherwise leave the field blank.
Substituted Accounting period
Individuals do not have substituted accounting periods. The return covers the income year 01/07 to 30/06 regardless of the taxpayer
- entering/leaving the country
- stopped full-time education, or
- died during the year.
The only time it might be necessary to change the SAP would be where the taxpayer died during the year. If the taxpayer died during the financial year, then answer Yes at Final return and enter the date of death.
This is a PLS only field which is transmitted when the return is lodged. It is not printed with the return.
Electronic funds transfer (EFT)
If you want to lodge via PLS, then you must provide bank details if the taxpayer is expecting a refund.
The taxpayer's bank account details are stored in the Return Properties > Bank a/cs tab. Fields are provided for two sets of bank account details.
The Practice bank account details are stored in the Utilities > Control record > Banking tab or the Maintenance > Agents > Properties > Banking tab.
On the front cover, EFT item, select the Bank account to which any refund should be paid.
Alternatively, you may enter the details directly into the open fields provided at this item:
The bank state branch (BSB) number. This six-digit number identifies the financial institution. Do not include spaces, dashes or hyphens in the number.
The Account number. You cannot use an account number with more than nine characters. Do not include spaces in the account number.
The account name, as shown on the bank statement. Provide the first 32 characters only. Do not abbreviate the first 32 characters in any way as the Bank only reads the first 32 characters and they read those characters as a string.
If these details are incomplete or incorrect, no EFT will take place.
Note that these details are not rolled over from year-to-year and must be checked with the taxpayer and entered each year a refund is requested.
If the return is being lodged electronically, Part B of the Electronic lodgment declaration (ELD) form must be completed and signed.
The bank account details can be for a bank account other than the taxpayer's account. If this is the case, the taxpayer must sign the EFT section of the ELD.
Managing your client’s bank account details
When all income and deductions, offset claims and credits have been entered and prior to completing the return or sending it for review or signature, you must prepare the F4 estimate and agree it to the income tax return.
F3 Validation on the completed return will generate the error warning M1042 where MYOB Tax detects that:
The tax liability status of the return indicates a Refund, and
The EFT details on the front cover are blank.
This error will not be cleared until Tax discerns that the F4 estimate has been prepared.
The Estimate must be prepared again if changes to the return alter your client’s tax position from refund to tax payable and vice versa.
To create a Short form individual return for a Refund of franking credits
On the Return Properties > General tab select the Standalone checkbox to modify the individual return for this purpose.
Standalone Refunds
A Standalone refund is one that arises where the claimant does not have to lodge a tax return but has a claim for Refund of franking credits. The form provided is an individual return with front cover information and access to Item 11, Dividends received worksheet (div).
The ELD for the standalone Refund of franking credits is different from the standard individual ELD.
For information on data entry for an abbreviated individual return refer See Refund of franking credits standalone short form.
Front cover rollover
Once established, Front Cover information is stored and rolled over from year-to-year. If your clients financial position has changed and there is need to lodge a full individual return this year, de-selecting the Standalone forms checkbox will restore the return to a full individual return.
CCH References
21-010 Residence of individuals generally
24-010 Lodgment of returns