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Client's Reports tab

The client’s Client Accounting > Reports tab is used to configure the report settings that reflect the reporting requirements of each client. The financial statements for the selected client can also be previewed and generated.

For each selected client, the reports to be included and the order in which they are displayed in the financial statements, can be controlled.

Features of the Reports tab



Reports table

The table lists the report name and whether the report will be included in the financial statements. See Selecting client reports.

Up and Down buttons

Use the up and down buttons to control the order of the reports in the financial statements. See Changing the order of client reports.

Report Set

The report set allows you to select a particular group of reports. The available options are:

  • All — displays all reports relevant to the entity type.

  • Minutes — displays only the Minutes reports available when the client is a company or trust. No reports will display when the option is selected for any other entity type.

When selected the settings for the first four Display options will be ignored. See Setting report display options.

Filter Reports

Use the drop-down at the bottom of the table to filter the list of reports in the table based on the Report Set selected. The available options are:

  • Display only reports where client has related data

  • Display selected reports only

  • Display all reports.

Reset Reports

Remove any customisation have been applied to the report selection and to the report order. The configuration returns to the practice level defaults. See Resetting client reports.


Select the financial period to report on the Period drop-down before previewing the reports. For periodic reporting, you can select the appropriate start and end month and the financial year.

You can also select 1 future period from the Period drop-down. See Previewing financial statements.

Preview Reports

Check the report settings that have been configured for the selected client. The reports must be previewed before the financial statements can be printed, exported or emailed. See Previewing financial statements.

Tasks bar options



Account Groups

Account groups are used to determine which account balances to display in each section of the financial statements and which notes to include by default. See Account groups and Tax Account Groups.

Non-Transaction Data

If the Associations feature in MYOB AE/AO is used to track the relationships between clients and partners, directors and trustees, the association types that represent these relationships can be nominated. See Non-transaction data in Statutory Reporter.


Modify the content and format of the paragraph text which is displayed in the financial statements. See Paragraphs.

Report Options

Control the report style and page layout. See Report options.

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