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Editing a comment in a workpaper

How to edit a comment
  1. Open the workpapers period. See Opening an existing period. The Prepare Trial Balance (Workpapers) table is displayed.
  2. Open a workpaper. See Opening workpapers. The specific workpaper window opens.
  3. Click the comment in the workpaper to be edited. The comment icon is highlighted red
  4. Click Edit comment on the toolbar. A comment box opens.
  5. Edit the comment in the Reference section of the comment box. Information entered into the comment box is automatically saved.
  6. Close the comment. To close the comment click outside of the comment box in the workpaper area.
  7. Click Save.
    Changes are saved and the window remains open.
    Click OK.
    The window closes, and any changes made will be saved.
    Click Cancel.
    The window closes.

    If you have made any changes you will be prompted to save the changes before the window closes.
    If you have Document Manager, and you checked out PDF documents in this workpaper by clicking the Edit button, a warning message will display asking if you want to check in these saved PDF documents when you close the workpaper. Clicking Yes will check in all PDF documents. Clicking No will require you to check in these documents manually. These documents can be checked in manually using the Document Manager icon in the system tray. See Accessing Document Manager from the system tray.

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