You'll need to decide what data to include in your report and where the data will be positioned on the page.
When you create your report, you can control the display of the Field area within their columns. You can also apply Filters to your fields/columns to control what data is displayed as well as specify how to Sorting your data.
Some questions you may want to think about:
What data you require in your report? This will determine which area you create your report in.
Will the report will show summarised or detailed information?
What grouping you need in your report?
How should the data be sorted?
What totals are required?
What columns widths do you need?
What titles to use above each column?
To create a report
In the toolbar, click the Reports
Select the report area and sub-area for your new report.
Click New at the bottom of the Reports page. The New Report page opens.
Select a template from the template drop-down. The default options are MYOB-Portrait and MYOB-Landscape.
Enter a name for your report in the Title field.
Click the checkboxes for the fields you want to use in your report. Your chosen fields are displayed in the area above the field list.
You can move fields around by clicking and dragging the fields.
If you want to group the data by a specific field, drag the field to the Group bar under the report Title field.
Grouping is optional in a report—you can group by a single field or by several.
In the toolbar, click Save
Save your report regularly if you expect to use it as an ongoing report. If it is an ad hoc query, you can run it without saving.
Toolbar buttons/icons
When you create a report, you have access to a toolbar for testing your fields, summarising your data, exporting the results to Excel and more.
Saves the new or edited report.
Edit Layout (AE)
Opens the Report Designer window.
Run Report
Runs the report.
Report Template drop-down
Specifies the template on which your report is to be based. You can select another template from the drop-down.
Show Summary
Displays the report in a summarised format. Click Run Report to test the results. You can save the results if required.
Export to Excel
Exports the report in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet format.
A report is always based on a template, so when you create or change a report you are doing so within a pre-defined template. A template contains a definition of headers, footers and margins into which you can add the data, generally it does not contain any fields or data. In AE, you can create your own templates.
Additional resources
Report creation and Designer formatting guide
MYOB Accountants Enterprise (AE) and MYOB Accountants Office (AO) include standard reports. You can create and format your own reports to meet the specific needs of your practice.
To create your own reports, see the following guides for your specific product.
Details the basic steps to allow you to create and format reports along with a number of useful hints and tips.
The Edit Layout option, also known as Designer, lets you do more detailed editing. This guide provides heaps of useful info about using Designer features such as inserting logos and graphics, page breaks, headers and footers, and summarising data.