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Stage Two—Add bill amounts

Practice Manager only

Bill amounts can be added and wip can be allocated using the Billing Wizard. Once a draft bill is created the amounts can be changed on the Bill Amounts window or Stage Two of the Billing Main page (see Allocating amounts in bills using the Bill Amounts window).

To add bill amounts using the Billing wizard
  1. Complete the steps in Stage One—Create a draft bill of the Billing Wizard.

  2. Click Next. The Stage Two—Add bill amounts window opens.

  3. Drill down to the required level to allocate the WIP.

  4. Group the transactions or click WIP items in the list to drill down. See Organising your data to learn more about grouping.

    It's suggested that you group by Job (AO)/Assignment (AE), then Code Type (which is time and disbursement split) and then the Code (which is all your task codes). This makes it easier to bill at a higher level than individual transactions if not required.

    The text above the WIP items tells you where you are when drilling into the information. For example, if you group by client, assignment/job and employee, then drill into one of the employees to view the individual transactions.

  5. Click the yellow Bill column against the WIP item you want to allocate for billing and enter the amount to be billed for the item.

    If you want to bill the entire WIP amount against the item, double–click the field and the amount will be entered automatically. You can also press [Spacebar] while in the Bill field to default to the total WIP amount.

    As you enter the WIP amounts the total fields at the bottom of the page update.

    If you enter an amount in the Bill field other than the full WIP amount, the remaining unallocated WIP will be carried forward to be allocated to the next bill.

  6. To write-on or write-off WIP, enter the write-on or write-off amount in the Write–Off (On) field against the required WIP item.

    As with billing WIP, you can enter write-on or write-off amounts against the total bill amount or against specific assignments/jobs, employees or time, expense or transaction items.

    The system will automatically calculate the write–off or write–on amount based on the difference between the WIP amount and the amount typed in the Bill field.

    If the bill amount is greater than the WIP balance on the assignment/job, the write–on amount is calculated automatically.

    If the bill amount is less than the WIP balance on the assignment/job and you want to write–off some or all of the remaining WIP, click the Write–Off (On) field and enter the amount you wish to write–off. Otherwise, the WIP is carried forward.

    If you overbill the WIP amount and do not include a write-up, a warning (yellow triangle) is displayed against the item in the A column. Adjust the amount entered to reduce the bill or take a write-up.

    The system works on a First In First Out basis when allocating the billed amount against assignments/jobs (see FIFO WIP entry method).The system works on a pro–rata basis when allocating the billed amounts against individual transactions (see Pro-rata WIP entry method).

  7. Click Create miscellaneous charges to add a miscellaneous charge to the bill.

    See Entering miscellaneous charges.

  8. Click Create estimate to add an estimated amount to the bill.
    See Working with Estimate to Complete fees.

  9. Click Next to go to Stage ThreeCreate Bill Paragraphs.

    Go to Stage Three—Create billing paragraphs.

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