Schedules that can be completed and lodged with the company return:
Amendment schedule (amd)
Capital gains schedule (BW)(or select Populate BW in the Capital gains worksheet (g))
Consolidated Groups Losses Schedule (bx)
Interest and Dividends Paid (BT)
International dealings schedule (ids)
Interposed entity election/revocation schedule (Y)
Losses schedule (BP)
Notification of Members joining or leaving a Consolidated Group (bn)
Other attachments schedule (att)
Payment summary schedule (PS)
Research and development tax incentive (BY)
Forms associated with the Company and that are lodged separately from the return are:
cub – add or delete a client – non-individual entities (PLS CUREL)
Notification of Formation of a Consolidated Group (ex)
MYOB Worksheets for dissection and record-keeping purposes only. Worksheets are not lodged with the return:
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