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Trust return: forms and schedules lodged via PLS

ATO schedules

Schedules lodged with a trust return:

Amendment schedule (amd)amd
Capital gains schedule (BW)  (or select Populate BW  in the Capital gains worksheet (g) to auto create the BW with all calculated balances)bw
International dealings schedule (ids)ids
Interposed entity election/revocation schedule (Y)y
Losses schedule (BP)bp
Payment summary schedule (PS)ps
Rental Schedules (B and BR)rep
ATO worksheets

Worksheets that support the return for dissection and record-keeping purposes and are NOT lodged with the return are:

PAYG income tax instalment estimates

When you select F4 a formal estimate of the trustee's tax liability for the current and subsequent year is prepared. You can Preview or Print this estimate. The default is to calculate using the current year rates and thresholds.

Additionally, you can prepare a PAYG Income tax Instalment worksheet from Preparation > Schedule > pgT - PAYGI (instalment estimate) for an audit trail of how we arrived at the result. Open the worksheet by selecting Preparation > Schedule.

If the current year return has been completed you can pre-fill the worksheet with those values. If not lodged or the ATO has not yet issued the first quarterly instalment notice, you can use the values from either of the two immediate prior years. However, you must use the values from most recently lodged of those two prior year returns.

You can also manually key values or alter pre-filled values where that value is editable. This is helpful for calculating what-if scenarios.


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