Transactions can be imported into Client Accounting using the Manage client file imports wizard. You can find this function on the Tasks bar of your client's Client Accounting > Trial Balance (or Workpapers) tab.
You can only import transactions via Client Accounting if your configured ledger is an MYOB Ledger. If you're using something different, you can still use the import functions in your configured ledger's software.
The Manage client file imports wizard accepts the following file types:
The Manage client file imports wizard is where you'll import journal transactions from your client's file into an MYOB ledger. In this window, you'll map your the client's accounts to its equivalent account in your ledger.
There are two additional functions in this window:
The View/edit mapping templatelink lets you view and modify the mapping template for the most recently imported client accounts.
The Delete previous import link will delete all transactions and journal entries posted by the import wizard for the previously imported client file (i.e. undo the import).
Transaction Import FAQs
How do I import data from another accounting software?
If your client's accounting software has the option to export transactions in an MYE format, choose this option. This is an MYOB file type and requires no additional formatting.
If you don't have this option, choose a .CSV or Excel file type. You may need to Importing a .CSV file to match the format MYOB Ledger requires.
If you're using...
Choose file type...
QuickBooks Online
If you're not sure how to export data from a 3rd party accounting software, check the product help for that software.
How do I export transactions from a AccountRight, AccountEdge or Essentials?
For information on how to export transactions from your client's file, click on the link in the Refer to column for the relevant product.
Journal transactions can't be imported into MYOB Essentials. For information on what you can import into Essentials, see Importing and exporting in MYOB Essentials.