In Series 6 & 8, a Tax desktop, comprising frequently used menu options and tasks can be accessed from Contacts by selecting Tools > AE Tax Settings, for example:
The Taskbar options are hyperlinked. The equivalent menu selections for these hyperlinked tasks are:
ATO ELS Reports: Lodgment > Electronic > ELS reports. Refer to ELS Reports list.
Month due by partner: Lodgment > Month due report > by partner. Refer to Month Due Reports.
ATO Statistics: Lodgment > ATO Statistics. Refer to ATO Statistics.
Flexi Report: Reports > Flexi Report. Refer to Flexi Reports.
(AE/Series 6 & 8) New [Shift+Insert]: Effective during data entry in a return or schedule. Refer to Working with supporting schedules.
(AE/Series 6 & 8) Delete [Shift+Delete]: Effective during data entry in a return or schedule to remove any additional line previously inserted using [Shift+Insert]. Refer to User Interface General Features.
Note [F9]: Effective during data entry in a return or schedule at any amount field or other field that may have a note attached.
(AE/Series 6 & 8) Standard answer [F7]: Effective during data entry in a return or schedule at any field that may accept data from the Standard answers you have defined. Refer to Standard answers.
(AE/Series 6 & 8) Copy [F5]: When in any schedule, you may copy that schedule to a nominated return. Refer to Copy a Schedule [F5].
Summary [Shift+F2]: Effective during data entry in an income tax return to list the items in the return. The list may be Filtered to show only active items. Refer to Summary of entered items—shift+F2.
Edit completed form: Click on File > Edit completed form, to change a read-only return to edit mode. Tax returns marked as 'completed' open as Read-only to protect them from inadvertent editing. Refer to Edit completed form.
Page setups... [Ctrl+P]: Provides access to the Page Setups to manage your printers. (Series 6 & 8) This menu option is available on the Desktop, select Tools > Tax Settings.
List: Effective for certain indexes to provide a simple list of all the entries of the particular type currently displayed. The list can be previewed.
Exit [Alt+F4]: Close the current session of Tax. (Series 6 & 8) This menu option is available on the Desktop, select Tools > Tax Settings.
Utilities Menu
Control Record: The information recorded on the set of tabcards making up the Control Record establish important processing data presumed to be common to all clients. The settings established on the Control Record are overridden by the selection you may make for Agent and Tax Contact on the Return Properties Staff tab. Refer to Setting up your Control Record Properties. (Series 6 & 8) This menu option is available on the Desktop, select Tools > Tax Settings.
Return print Setup to establish Page Setups and printer configurations for documents that are the standard for your practice. Refer to Return Print Setup for the practice.
(Series 6 & 8) This menu option is available on the Desktop, select Tools > Tax Settings.
Lodgment Setup: This option allows you to specify a set of ELS IP Properties for the Practice and a set of these Properties for each authorised ELS agent in the practice. Refer to Lodgment Setup. (Series 6 & 8) This menu option is available on the Desktop, select Tools > Tax Settings.
Exporting Returns: This utility allows you to export one or more Tax returns to a file that may then be imported onto a PC. Returns that display the padlock symbol have been exported. Refer to Exporting returns and Export: audit updates.
Importing Returns: This utility allows you to import one or more Tax returns that were previously exported so that the returns are unlocked and available for editing. Refer to Importing returns.
Unlock/Lock Returns: When a return is exported it is locked in Tax. This utility is used to unlock a locked return.
Do not change a return that you unlock. A return locked during export will be overwritten, when the exported copy is imported back to your ledger. Refer to Unlocking and locking returns.
(Series 6 & 8) This menu option is available on the Desktop, select Tools > Tax Settings.
BAS/IAS Import: This utility is used to import data from Banklink and other third party applications to Tax. Refer to BAS/IAS import. (AO) This menu option is available when a tax return is open.
MYOB Superfund Import: This utility allows you to import MYOB fund and ELS data files into Tax. Refer to MCS import and Fund return import. (Series 6 & 8) This menu option is available on the Desktop, select Tools > Tax Settings.
(Series 6 & 8) Import into Accounts: Data entered into Accounts for the current tax period can be imported into the Income tax Return and activity statements. The import treats transactions as relating to primary or non-primary production business income and expenses depending on the account mapping. Refer to Importing account transactions including farm accounts. This menu option is available on the Desktop, select Tools > Tax Settings.
(Series 6 & 8) Import into Farm Accounts: Data entered into Accounts for the current tax period can be imported into the Income tax Return and activity statements. The import treats all transactions as relating to primary production business income and expenses. Refer to Importing account transactions including farm accounts. This menu option is available on the Desktop, select Tools > Tax Settings.
(Series 6 & 8) Client GL Account Mapping: This utility allows you to import data on integrated systems from client accounts into a current year tax return only. This means that where you have MYOB Accounts, you can import ledger data into a current year return. Refer to Client GL account mapping. This menu option is available on the Desktop, select Tools > Tax Settings.
(AE Tax, Series 6 & 8) Integrity Check: The options available are Index Check, Validate alternate indexes, Name Text validity and Recalulate Schedule Totals. Refer to Integrity check. For Series 6 & 8, this menu option is available on the Desktop, select Tools > Tax Settings.
(AE Tax, Series 6 & 8) Clear Single User Locks: A single user lock is applied to a return when a user performs functions such as Lodging by ELS and Exporting or printing returns. Should the function end abnormally for some reason the return will remain locked. Refer to Clear Single User Locks. For Series 6 & 8, this menu option is available on the Desktop, select Tools > Tax Settings.
(AE Tax, Series 6 & 8) Special Routines: The Special Routines include Update due dates based on ATO level/Classification; Refresh System links and, Update lodgment office of returns. Refer to Special Routines (AE). For Series 6 & 8, this menu option is available on the Desktop, select Tools > Tax Settings.
Edit Menu (AE/AO)
The Edit menu options are active when a tax return is open.
Cut [Ctrl+X]: This removes the contents of the field being processed and puts a copy the data in the clipboard.
Copy [Ctrl+C]: This puts a copy the contents of the field being processed in the clipboard.
Delete [Del]: This removes the contents of the field being processed.
Paste [Ctrl+V]: This inserts the contents of the clipboard into the field being processed.
Insert Row [Ctrl+Insert]: This creates an additional line in the return or schedule currently open. All field associated with the new line are provided.
Delete Row [Ctrl+Delete]: This deletes a line that has previously been added to the return or schedule. All fields associated with the line are removed.
View Menu (AE/AO)
This menu is only available when a tax return is open.
Navigation bar: This allows you hide or show the navigation bar. The navigation bar is intended to assist clients to navigate the forms and schedules using the mouse. Refer to Navigation Panels for the Tax Return.
Refresh: When indiscriminate changes are made to integration between income tax returns and attachments to them, it is recommended that you refresh the return so that integrated values are adjusted correctly.
Maintenance Menu
(AE Tax) Clients: The Contact Browser lists the code type status and name for all your Contacts. The General Tab is used to record identifiers for retrieving your Contacts. Contacts may be an individual or entity, client or employee. Refer to Clients.
PracticeManager users add clients in PM by selecting Contacts > New > Client to run the Create Client/Contact wizard.
Bulk Edit Return: This routine allows you to make the same type of change or exactly the same change to more than one return simultaneously. It is intended to simplify minor maintenance of a large numbers of returns. Refer to Bulk Return Edit. For Series 6 & 8, this menu option is available on the Desktop, select Tools > Tax Settings.
(AE Tax) Employees: This maintenance function allows you to add and edit the employee details. Each employee must be either an Employee, a Manager or a Partner. Employees are assigned to returns to enable reporting by partner, manager or employee. Refer to Employees.
PracticeManager users add employees in PM. Select Contacts > New > Employee ad run the Create Employee wizard.
User Preferences: The user preferences are a set of tabcards on which standard settings may be established by each user. These assist the user to complete and print returns and schedules. When selected the user’s preferences override the defaults established for the practice on the Control Record. Refer to User Preferences. For Series 6 & 8, this menu option is available on the Desktop, select Tools > Tax Settings.
Tax Rates: The Tax Rates and tables are updated as required each time the Tax application is installed. Refer to Tax Rates. For Series 6 & 8, this menu option is available on the Desktop, select Tools > Tax Settings.
Agents: Your practice must have at least one Tax Agent. This is the person named on the Control Record Names tab. Where a Practice has more than one lodging Agent, those Agents are added to the Agent index and may be selected for all processes where an agent may be nominated. For example, on the Return PropertiesStaff tab or in the Bulk Edit Return routine. Refer to Agents. For Series 6 & 8, this menu option is available on the Desktop, select Tools > Tax Settings.
Contacts: The Tax Contact is named on the income tax return declaration as the person to whom the ATO should direct queries regarding the return. Your practice must have at least one Tax Contact. This is the person named on the Control Record Names tab. If the practice only has the one Contact that person will be the Tax Contact for every income tax return prepared. Refer to Tax Contacts. For Series 6 & 8, this menu option is available on the Desktop, select Tools > Tax Settings.
Standard answers: Standard answers are common responses you repeat many times to fill data entry fields with text, such as dates, bank names, government department names and so on. Refer to Standard answers. Standard answers can be selected at any data entry field where this icon is active. The shortcut key is [F7]. For Series 6 & 8, this menu option is available on the Desktop, select Tools > Tax Settings.
Substantiation Notes: The Master, and Practice Notes may be used to substantiate and detail amounts and information entered into a return. Refer to Substantiation Notes. For Series 6 & 8, this menu option is available on the Desktop, select Tools > Tax Settings.
Letter Writing: Tax Letters in Word are available to the user with SQL database management. Refer to Tax Letters. (AE) If you use the CFS database refer to Text Letter Writing. For Series 6 & 8, this menu option is available on the Desktop, select Tools > Tax Settings.
Preparation Menu
The Preparation Menu provides options for Returns and Schedules. In MYOB AO, this is available when a tax return is open.
Schedules: The Select Schedule Type lists all the schedules relevant to the return that is open including the form itself. Refer to Preparing Returns and Schedules
Schedule Notes: This is a list of all notes attached to the return. To attach a schedule note to any label in the return during data entry, click [F9]. Refer to Schedule Notes Index. To attach a note to the Assessment Details for the return refer to Assessment Details.
Delete Schedules: You can delete a schedule attached to a form (or return) during data entry when the form is open. In MYOB AE, this can also be done from the Return index when the form is highlighted. A schedule may contain value(s) integrated from other schedules or sub-schedules. In this situation the integrated schedules and sub-schedules MUST be deleted first. Refer to Deleting Schedules.
Delete Dissection Grids: The Index of grids shows all grids attached to the return. You delete a single grid or select multiple grids by using the [Shift] or [Ctrl] key. Refer to Dissection Grid.
To delete a grid when it is open, select Clear all, then click OK.
(AE, Series 6 & 8) The Optimiser assists the Trustee to decide on which beneficiaries will receive a distribution of Trust Income. Refer to Optimiser.
Assessment Summary – this report will list the estimated, assessed and last year's primary tax. Refer to Assessment Summary.
Assessment Details: The Assessment Details dialog allows you to record details from the Notice of Assessment (NOA) issued by the ATO and to prepare the covering letter to accompany the NOA to be sent to the client. It also allows you to compare the tax payable/refund due amount on the NOA to the amount calculated in the [F4] estimate. From Tax 2011.2 onwards you are able to add a text note on the Assessment Details dialog. Refer to Assessment Details.
GST/PAYG Profile: These details comprise the summary of all GST/PAYG information relevant to each taxpayer. The GST/PAYG information is automatically updated with FBT, PAYG Instalment and PAYG Withholding amounts when a Statement is updated to lodged, either manually or from an ELS Validation report. Refer to GST/PAYG Profile for the taxpayer.
Consolidation Profile: This option is active for Company returns. It provides for you to record organisations that are subsidiaries of the consolidated group but for whom you do not prepare a tax return. Refer to Consolidation Group Profile.
Amend Return: This option is active for lodged Individual returns. Refer to About amending Returns.
Rapidtax: In AE this option allows you to prepare a workflow for repeated steps for data entry, printing and lodgment related functions. These can apply to the practice, individual users or on a one time basis. Refer to RapidTax. Practice Manager users in AE do not have access to Rapidtax.
Lodgment Menu
Electronic: This submenu comprises:
Tag for Lodgment: This index includes returns and forms that have passed [F3] Validation and been marked as Complete. From this index an output file is built ready for transmission.
Lodge: This open the Connect to the ATO screen enabling you to establish a connection to the CEG. Connection to the ATO may be done at any time or following directly from the Tag for Lodgment operation. Refer to Lodging Returns using the Electronic Lodgment Service (ELS)
Error log: The error log records the results of errors, warnings or messages encountered with tagged returns during validation. Refer to Error Log
ATO Reports: The ATO supplies reports to your practice following each successful transmission. Validation reports identify the results of validation and the status of returns and other forms may be updated from this report. Refer to ELS Reports list
In Series 6 & 8, this menu option is available on the Desktop, select Tools > Tax Settings.
Update: This submenu comprises:
I,P,T,C,F forms: This option allows you to manually update the status of one or more income tax returns and any attached schedules that are lodged via ELS with the return. Refer to Status Update from the Validation Report
Other ATO forms: This option allows you to manually update the status forms lodged separately from an income tax return. These forms may only a status that is ‘not lodged’, ‘sent for signature’ or ‘lodged’. Refer to (Obsolete) Status Update of other ATO Forms
(Series 6 & 8) Contact finder: This function opens your list of Contacts.
(Series 6 & 8) Contact Profile: This function displays the profile of the Contact that is the subject of the open return.
(Series 6 & 8) Invoice: This function opens the Raise a Fee window in Contacts. The Raise a Fee window displays all Matters available for billing for the selected Fee client. The display may include Matters for those clients who have their WIP redirected to the selected Fee client for billing. The Accounts User Guide may be opened by selecting Help > Help Topics while you are working in Accounts.
In AO, the Update menu option is available when a tax return is open.
ATO Statistics: This submenu provides Standard and Budget reports for all return types. Refer to ATO Statistics. In Series 6 & 8, this menu option is available on the Desktop, select Tools > Tax Settings.
The Standard reports are based on the requirements set up under Lodgment > Budget Maintenance.
The Budget reports are based on the 'date due' entered in the Lodgment Details screen.
Month due report: These reports list the lodgment due date for within the category selected: by return, by partner; by manager or by employee. Refer to Month Due Reports. In Series 6 & 8, this menu option is available on the Desktop, select Tools > Tax Settings. For MYOB AO, this menu option will be available when a tax return is open.
Verify ATO Listings: This report checks that returns reported as ‘lodged’ on the ATO listing correspond to the returns marked as ‘lodged‘ in Tax. Any discrepancies found are reported. Refer to Verify ATO Listings. In Series 6 & 8, this menu option is available on the Desktop, select Tools > Tax Settings. For MYOB AO, this menu option will be available when a tax return is open.
ATO Letter identifying the practice and the returns being lodged. You are prompted to reset the ‘Lodged this run’ flag?
Performance Report to list the number and percentage of returns for each type of form; the number and percentage lodged to date; and, the total percentage complete.
Progress Report to list for each form type the number of current year returns; the total of each form type; and, the percentage of returns lodged on a year to date basis.
Table Reportsummarising income tax returns by tax level, as selected on the Return Properties, PAYG/Lodge tab.
Lodgment Reports for forms, (other than Income Tax and BAS/IAS) showing due date, the number on file, lodged and percentage with some selection by partner, manager etc.
In Series 6 & 8, this menu option is available on the Desktop, select Tools > Tax Settings.
BAS/IAS: The Lodgment Status Report produces a listing of all Activity Statements of the selected type with a statistical summary. Refer to Lodgment Status Report.
The Lodgment Report show for a period range the BAS and IAS payers who have lodged, have a forms sent for signature and who have not lodged.
The Due Report will list all returns for BAS/IAS payers who have and have not lodged.
The BAS and IAS reporting frequency details are located on the Return Properties, General Tab.
Table Maintenance: The ATO defines two standard tax tables: Standard I, P and T forms; and, Standard C and F forms. Tax provides for maintenance of these tables should the ATO change the tax levels during the year. Refer to Table Maintenance. In Series 6 & 8, this menu option is available on the Desktop, select Tools > Tax Settings.
Budget Maintenance: The ATO defines lodgment budgets, as the date by which returns of each tax level must be lodged. In Tax the Budget Maintenance routine is used to set targets for the tax practice so that a lodgment program can be planned and maintained. Refer to Budget Maintenance. In Series 6 & 8, this menu option is available on the Desktop, select Tools > Tax Settings.
Reports Menu
Print Return: This Reports option opens the Print Form screen where you may choose to print one or more returns using a predefined print job with changes you can specify to apply for this print run only. Refer to Printing Returns.
Tax Office copy PDF: The Tax Office copy PDF uses a wizard to produce one PDF document that includes a copy of all available active ATO schedules, attachments and the Electronic Lodgment Declaration (ELD) in the required order. The security of you PDF files can be achieved by applying a password. Refer to Tax Office Copy PDF Functionality.
Print Schedule: Schedule printing will print one or more schedules on an individual basis, perhaps for checking purposes, prior to printing the entire return, estimates, ELD, etc. For example, you wish to check the Capital Gains summary prior to lodging the return. Refer to Schedule Printing.
Print Notes: This option is used to print schedule notes attached to returns or those notes recorded on the Assessment Details dialog. Refer to Print Notes.
Pro forma Schedules: For most schedules types this reporting option is available to print blank copies for use during client interviews. These schedules might then be used to prepare tax returns. Pro forma schedules do not display any amounts or narrations. Refer to Proforma Schedules. In Series 6 & 8, this menu option is available on the Desktop, select Tools > Tax Settings.
(AE/Series 6 & 8) Flexi Reports: This printing option is used to print reports on returns according to the needs of individual tax practices. Refer to Flexi Reports. In Series 6 & 8, this menu option is available on the Desktop, select Tools > Tax Settings.
Returns attached to Clients: This reporting option allows you to print the details of returns for clients with each client is on a separate page. The return details include: code, TFN, type, name. Refer to Returns Attached to Clients.
(AE) Letters: The Report > Letter option allows you to generate letters using your practice text letters layouts. This process is not a wizard, there is no step back. Refer to Printing Letters. Practices upgraded to SQL may also produce letters from Word, refer to Tax Letters.
Labels: Return Labels may be printed using various options for official correspondence. Refer to Return Label Printing. In Series 6 & 8, this menu option is available on the Desktop, select Tools > Tax Settings.
Audit Trail menu: This menu offers:
Tax Preparation will report actions taken and changes made to returns or schedules according to the your selections. Refer to Tax Preparation Audit Trail.
ATO report import - At the end of each transmission session a report is added to the ATO log showing those files downloaded in the transmission just completed. Tax prompts you to review these reports and, where applicable to update the status of returns that have been validated to 'Lodged'. Refer to ELS Reports list. In Series 6 & 8, this menu option is available on the Desktop, select Tools > Tax Settings.
(AE) Integration: This function provides integration to Investment Register System. Practice Manager does not integrate to the Investment Register System.
Tax Letters Menu
The Tax letters Menu offers:
Print Letter: This option allows you to select a letter from the list of templates. Refer to Print Letter
Create New: A blank letter opens in Word. You can then insert the mergefields that are available to the Tax database. Refer to Create New.
Edit Letter: Open a letter for change, such as adding new mergefields that are available to the Tax database. Refer to Edit Letter and Tax Letter Mergefields
(AE/Series 6 & 8) Create/Update Views: This process is required when you setup for Tax Letters initially or to enable new mergefields as advised in the Release Notes from time to time. Refer to Create or Update Views. (AE) Practice Manager users do not need to run the Create/Update Views process.
Help Menu
Current Screen: Click [F1] when in any area of Tax to display a help screen relevant to the current operation or where an income tax return form (C, F, I, P, T, MS) is being processed [F1] yields help on the specific item or label being processed. The item specific topics include relevant paragraph references in the current CCH Master Tax Guide.
Help - Contents: This option displays the full table of contents (TOC) for the Tax online help. Depending on your installation these include:
the item specific help topics for income tax return forms.
help on returns, schedules worksheets,
guidance using Tax to maintain the tax returns in your tax ledger
the ELS validation error messages
the What-If Calculation help topics.
Lodgment V messages: The current ELS Validation Errors, Notes and Warnings that may be issued by the ATO.
About: This help topic describes the About Box. Refer to About Box.
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