Document properties
When an item or document has been added to the MYOB Intranet Administration, you can use its Document Properties to make changes.
To change a document’s properties
- Access the MYOB Intranet Administration window. See MYOB Intranet Administration and Maintenance.
- Locate the item. The item will be located in the left-hand panel of the MYOB Intranet Administration window. If relevant, expand the category the item belongs to.
- Right-click an item in the Administration Item View and select Properties.
Select the item and then select Edit > Properties on the main menu. The Document Properties window opens. The name of the item is displayed in the Name field. This is the Title which displays in the Item view - Enter or edit the Description of the item. The Description is optional and displays below the Title in the MYOB Intranet Item View. It is also used in Searching and Advanced search.
Confirm the File Name. This displays the name of the original file or the URL of a web link. This would not normally be changed, unless the item is a web link and you need to change it to a different URL.
Enter or edit any Keywords that further identify the item. These display in the MYOB Intranet Item View and are used in Searching and Advanced search.
Select the Status of the item from the drop-down. You can set the status as one of the following:
Published — an item will only appear in MYOB Intranet if it has a Published status.
Draft — only administrators will see an item with the Draft status. Draft items display in the Status - Draft view in the Administration left-hand panel.
Deleted — an item with the status Deleted will not display in the MYOB Intranet categories. This status is set if you do not want to permanently delete an item and you do not want it to display to any users. When you delete a Published item, it is initially set with the status Deleted. It then displays in the Status view in the Administration left-hand panel under Deleted from where it can be permanently removed. Refer also to Deleting documents and items.
Select the Publisher from the drop-down.
Click the Publisher icon to open the Select Publisher window to select the appropriate publisher. Click OK. The Publisher is the name of the person or organisation from where the item originated. As well as MYOB Intranet staff members, this can also be organisations such as the Tax Office, MYOB or Bentleys. This displays on the MYOB Intranet Item View.Select whether the item will be Read Only. The default is Read Only. Items are normally held as Read Only so that team members or administrators cannot make any changes to the original file. When a team member or administrator opens a Read Only file, they can read the contents, make any changes as required, print it and save it to any folder with a new file name. If you want the original of the item to be editable, remove the Read Only selection.
Select whether the item is a Stationery document. Select this checkbox to change an existing document to a stationery document or to remove the stationery setting. See Stationery documents for details.
Select the document Type from the drop-down. The entries for Type are set up in Maintenance > Maintenance Map (AO) > Document Manager Setup > Document Types tab. You can display items by the type they have been assigned in the Document Types view, in the left-hand panel. Staff members can select Document Types as part of the search criteria in the Advanced search.
Confirm the current, active Version of the item. Versions of items can be created using the Version tab (see Maintaining multiple versions of items).
Select whether the item will Expire and its expiry date. By default, an item will not expire. You can set a date that an item expires by selecting Expires and entering the date or selecting the date from the drop-down calendar. Once the specified date is passed, the item will no longer display in MYOB Intranet. It will still display in the MYOB Intranet Administration window and, if required, the date can be reset to re-display it in MYOB Intranet.
Click the Categories tab. The categories are used to group the MYOB Intranet content. The Current section displays the categories that the item is currently assigned to.
Select one or more Categories in which the new item will display from the Section(s) section.Where a category has sub-categories, click the expand button (the + sign) to display these and select any required sub-categories.
Click the Version tab.The Version tab lists the local and published versions of the item and when they have been modified. The active version is displayed in bold. See Maintaining multiple versions of items.
Click OK. The properties of the item have been changed.