Importing items
The Import function can be used to import items from a selected location. As part of the Import you select various parameters that apply to all the imported items. You can also select a category that they will be assigned to as part of the import.
As well as importing the items, the Import can be set to automatically create the categories in the MYOB Intranet using the folder names from where the items are located.
To import an item
- Access the MYOB Intranet Administration window. See MYOB Intranet Administration and Maintenance.
- Select File > Import Documents from the main menu. The Document Import window opens on the File Name tab by default.
- Browse to folder that contains the documents to import. This is the location of the files to be imported.
- Select whether to Include all subfolders. When this option is selected and, if you import from a folder that has sub-folders, this will automatically create sub-categories in MYOB Intranet and import the items under the relevant sub-categories. If this option is not selected, only the files in the specifically selected location are imported and no sub-categories are created.
- Select the status of the document from the drop-down.
You can set the status as one of the following:Published — an item will only appear in MYOB Intranet if it has a Published status.
Draft — only administrators will see an item with the Draft status. Draft items display in the Status > Draft view in the MYOB Intranet Administration window.
Deleted — an item with the status Deleted will not display in the MYOB Intranet categories. This status is set if you do not want to permanently delete an item and you do not want it to display to any users. When you delete a Published item, it is initially set with the status Deleted. It then displays in the Status view in the Administration left-hand panel under Deleted from where it can be permanently removed. See also Deleting documents and items.
- Select the Publisher from the drop-down.
Click the Publisher icon to open the Select Publisher window to select the appropriate publisher. Click OK. The Publisher is the name of the person or organisation from where the item originated. As well as MYOB Intranet staff members, this can also be organisations such as the Tax Office, MYOB or Bentleys. This displays on the MYOB Intranet Item View. - Enter the Author. The Author field automatically displays the name of the person logged in. This can be changed by typing the relevant name of the author of the items being imported.
- Select whether the imported items will Expire and the expiry date. By default, items will not expire. You can set a date that the imported items expire by clicking the Expires checkbox and entering the date or selecting the date from the drop-down calendar. Once the specified date is passed, the items will no longer display in MYOB Intranet. They will still be visible in the MYOB Intranet Administration window and, if required, the date can be reset to re-display the item in MYOB Intranet.
- Select whether the item will be Read Only. The default is Read Only. Items are normally held as Read Only so that users or administrators cannot make any changes to the original file. If you want the imported item to be editable, remove the Read Only selection.
Select the Indexing option. For items to be found by the Searching or the Advanced search, you must perform indexing. This can be done as part of the import or at a later time. If you select Indexing, the system will perform the full text index as part of the import.
If the import and index are run at the same time, you may find that the import is very slow. It is recommended that unless there are only a few items currently held in MYOB Intranet, you remove the selection for Indexing and then use Reindex all documents to perform the indexing at a convenient time. The alternative is to leave the import and index to run overnight.
Click Next. The Type tab displays. You use the Type tab to optionally select a Document Type and the Category in which to place the imported items.
Select the Document Type from the drop-down. You can optionally select a Document Type for the imported items. This is used in the Advanced search.
Select a Category.
When importing items you can only import to a single category. If any of the imported items relate to more than one category, this can be changed after the import for the individual items. See Moving or adding an item to a different category.
If you have highlighted a category in the left-hand panel, this is selected as a default but this can be deselected if required. Expand the hierarchy of categories to find the one you want. If you do NOT select a category in the Type tab, the items are imported under the No Category Assigned view in the left-hand panel. After the import, the items can be moved to the required category (see Moving or adding an item to a different category). If you have selected Include all subfolders on the File Name tab, and there are sub-folders in the location you have selected, the additional categories will be created automatically. The items will be automatically assigned to the newly created category that relates to the folder from which the item was imported.
Click Finish. The files are imported and a message displays when the import has finished.
Click OK. If any new categories are automatically added by the import, they are created with “All” Roles selected. If you are assigning roles to categories, you may need to amend the Categories.
The system does not check if items have already been imported. If any files are imported more than once they will be added as new items. They will show with the same title and duplicates will need to be manually deleted. To import an individual file, you can add it using Adding a new item and select the Create from Existing option.