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Schedule your IRD data downloads

Accountants Enterprise only

When you migrate your Tax Manager data, your Account lookup schedule is turned off in AE Tax. You need to schedule your IRD Data downloads to be done at a regular time that is convenient to your practice. It is recommended that you choose a time when there is minimal use of the system, for example, early morning.

You can change the details on a scheduled download when necessary using the same procedure to schedule the download in the first place.

To schedule IRD data downloads
  1. Select Maintenance > Tax > IRD Download Schedule. The IRD Data Downloads Schedule window appears.
  2. If you want to turn on the downloads, click the Perform scheduled IRD data downloads checkbox. With the checkbox selected, the downloads are scheduled and will occur at the set time on the selected days.
  3. Select the Start time for the downloads. The downloads must be scheduled to run between 01:00 and 21:00.
  4. From the Run every drop-down list, select which days you want the download to run. You can choose from:
    • Day — run every day
    • Weekday — run every weekday, Monday to Friday
    • Monday — run once a week on Monday
    • Tuesday — run once a week on Tuesday
    • Wednesday — run once a week on Wednesday
    • Thursday — run once a week on Thursday
    • Friday — run once a week on Friday.
  5. Click Schedule. The downloads will be scheduled.
  6. If an error message opens because the scheduled times are outside the allowed hours, correct the error and click OK.
  7. To ensure that the changes take effect, restart MYOB AE.
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