As you are preparing tax notices, you can use the Tax Notices page to update and track their status. This is useful when you want to update the status of more than one tax notice at a time.
Before you can update a tax notice, you need to select it. You can:
select one or more tax notices by selecting the checkbox at the start of each relevant row. Selected rows will display a tick in the checkbox.
select all tax notices displayed in the list by selecting the checkbox in the heading row. All rows will display a tick in the checkbox.
To approve the selected tax notices
You can only approve tax notices with a status of Draft, In progress or Follow up. If you select a tax notice with a different status, you will see and error message, and they will not be approved.
On the TASKS bar, click Approve. A confirmation message displays.
Click Yes. The selected tax notices have a status of Approved.
To mark the selected tax notices as sent
You can only mark approved tax notices as sent. If you select a tax notice with a different status, you will see and error message, and they will not be approved.
You might want to print the tax notices before marking them as sent.
- On the TASKS bar, click Mark as sent. A confirmation message displays.
If any of the selected tax notices have not been printed and you want to print them:
Click No to cancel marking them as sent.
Print the tax notices and click Mark as sent.
Click Yes. The selected tax notices have a status of Sent. If you email the tax notice directly to the client, it will be marked as sent when the email is sent.
To mark the selected tax notices for follow up
You can only mark tax notices for follow up if they have a status of Draft or In progress. If any of the selected tax notices have a with a different status, you will see a warning message and their status will not be updated.
On the TASKS bar, click Follow up. A confirmation message is displayed.
Click Yes. The selected tax notices have a status of Follow up.
To mark the selected tax notices as not required
You can only mark tax notices as not required if they have a status of Draft or In progress. If any of the selected tax notices have a with a different status, you will see a warning message and their status will not be updated.
On the TASKS bar, click Not required. A confirmation message is displayed.
Click Yes. The selected tax notices have a status of Not required.
Have you marked your Provisional or Terminal Tax notice as Sent and want to change the status to In progress?
You may have this situation where the taxable income has changed or you had additional transactions from IRD. See below for steps on how to do this.
To change the status of Provisional Tax notice from Sent to In Progress
- Click the drop-down arrow under the Tax icon > click Tax Notice.
- Select the relevant Period and click Search.
- Click on clients IRD number.
- Click Provisional Tax Calculator in the Tasks panel.
- Select a different option, for example 2018 Estimate and click OK.
- A variance window come up, click Accept Changes. A new tax notice with status In Progress is created.
You will see a new tax notice with status of In Progress and the previous notice will have a status of Superseded. You can make changes in the notice with the In-progress status. The tax notice with the status of Superseded is read-only. You can view these by clicking on the Due Date drop down-list in Tax Notice Detail page.
To change the status of a Terminal Tax notice from Sent to In Progress
- Click the drop-down arrow underneath the Tax icon and click Tax Notice.
- Select the relevant Period and click Search.
- Click on clients IRD number.
- Click Transactions in the Tasks panel.
- Click Add Item in the Tasks and create a dummy transaction.
- Click on Tax Notice Details option in the Tasks panel.
- In the variance window click Accept Changes. A new tax notice with status In Progress created.
- Untick and tick Include Student Loan to refresh the window.
- Click Transaction in the Tasks panel.
- Highlight the dummy transaction and click Delete Item in the Tasks panel.
You will see a new tax notice with status of In Progress and the previous notice will have a status of Superseded. You can make changes in the notice with the In-progress status. The tax notice with the status of Superseded is read-only. You can view these by clicking on the Due Date drop down-list in Tax Notice Detail page.